Powwow Report for United Kingdom - London (Jan 30 2010)

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Report from  Kerstin Knepper
The first London Powwow in the New Year was well attended, with 18 of 32 subscribed making it to the new venue, which turned out to be a little small for so many of us!

We spent half an hour talking about various topics like Trados 2009, the benefit of having a website and quoting on proz, before turning to conversations in smaller groups.

One of the newer Powwow attendees suggested having a more "introductory" approach next time, in order to make sure that people circulate more and talk to different colleagues throughout the afternoon. The idea of "speed-networking" came to mind and will be explored further in the run-up to the next Powwow, which should happen on Saturday, 27 February.

Thanks very much to everybody who turned up on this occasion, you've all made the Powwow a very enjoyable success.

Best wishes,

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Jenni Jelse
Manuela Junghans
Oliver Walter
Cathrin Cordes
Flo in London
Roland Glasser
Thomas Pfann
Anna Barresi
Kerstin Knepper
Elisa Noetinger
Isabel Teodoro
Jeanie Eldon
Renata Forgacs
caioalexandr (X)
Alaia Vispo (X)

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Feb 5 '10  Kerstin Knepper: Photos!
With Elisa\'s kind permission, please find here a link to some photos from our last Powwow.


I\'m looking forward to seeing you all in February,
best wishes,
Jan 31 '10  Kerstin Knepper: Next Powwow on Saturday, 27 Feb
Hello everybody,

thanks for turning up at yesterday's Powwow and making it such an enjoyable afternoon.

The date for the next Powwow is Saturday, 27 Feb, and some of us will look for a slightly bigger venue in the meantime.

Do feel free to send me your suggestions and comments!

Hope to see you in February,
best wishes,
Jan 31 '10  Flo in London: Thank you Kerstin
Many thanks Kerstin for organising such a well attended powwow :-)

It was great seeing everyone there and I\'m already looking forward to our next gathering (BTW the \"speed networking\" idea might be a fun way to give us the chance to speak to everyone next time :-)

Best wishes
Jan 30 '10  Jaquelina Guardamagna: London Powwow
Hi! Sorry I couldn't make it today. I hope you enjoyed meeting up and had a great afternoon. I'll try to come next time if I'm around.
Best wishes,