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Poll Discussion Poll: Would you describe yourself as a self-taught translator/interpreter? Yes and No I have a degree inTranslation Studies and am
currently undertaking a postgrad course - so I'm a
trained translator. But I'm also self-taught as
with each new project I have to dive into a
bp-translations Apr 13, 2011
Trados support SOLUTION for missing Trados & Multiterm Toolbars in Word 2007 on Windows Vista Also works under Windows 7 Thanks, Elizabeth! This post saved my life. :) bp-translations Nov 17, 2010
Trados support Trados tab went missing in Word 2007 Hi everyone, My Trados tab has gone missing
from Word 2007 and I couldn't find a forum post
that suits my particular setup which is as
follows: Windows 7, Trados Freelance 8.0 and MS
bp-translations Nov 17, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: When researching terms on the Internet, do you ever get sidetracked by a totally different subject? sometimes but usually not to completely different but
related topics. And that's one of the things I
like about my job: that it takes you to so many
places - if only virtually :)

bp-translations Nov 17, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you communicate with your family members in more than one language? bilingual ... if you count Bavarian ;) bp-translations Oct 20, 2008
Office applications How to search-replace normal spaces with non-breaking spaces in Word 2003 not sure about Word 2003 but in Word 2001 it works this way Hi Annelise, I'm not using Word 2003 but maybe
this helps anyway. You open the Find and
Replace window and move your cursor to the line
"Replace with". Then you hit the button "More"
bp-translations Aug 13, 2008
Trados support MS Word showing both source and target text when translating Untick the box "Hidden Text" Hi Tor, In the wordbar go to Tools>Options and
untick the box "Hidden Text" on the View Tab. This
should solve the problem. Hope it helps!
:) Birgit
bp-translations Mar 29, 2008
Trados support cannot close open translation unit toggle tag protection [quote]Shaila Kamath wrote: could not delete
the hard return marks at the end of the segments, they are protected tags

[Edited at
2008-01-24 12:24] [/quote] You can to
bp-translations Jan 24, 2008
Trados support cannot close open translation unit Repair Document Have you tried "Repair Document" from the Trados
bp-translations Jan 24, 2008
German Wie wehre ich mich gegen Google-Eigensinn + vor dem gesuchten Wort Hallo Volkmar, normalerweise hilft es ein + vor
den gesuchten Begriff zu setzen, z. B.
+Schurz Hoffe das hilft dir weiter!
:) Birgit
bp-translations Dec 10, 2007
Trados support Could not close the segment. 'Repair Document' Try 'Repair Document' in the Trados drop-down
menu. It usually helps. :)
bp-translations Jul 26, 2007

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