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Search results: (27 matches)
French Antidote avec un fichier volumineux dans Trados Studio Merci ! [quote]Annie Estéphan wrote: Oui, ça arrive
souvent. Il est préférable de sélectionner le
contenu Trados, de le copier et de le coller dans
une fenêtre Antidote, puis à l'aide de
Bruce Capelle Oct 11, 2021
French Antidote avec un fichier volumineux dans Trados Studio Bonjour à toutes et tous, J'ai récemment eu
un problème en utilisant Antidote avec un fichier
volumineux de près de 47k mots (2510 segments).
La correction automatique était tellem
Bruce Capelle Oct 6, 2021
Trados support Error message when running batch tasks Dear community members, In File view, when I
try clicking on a translated file to finalize the
file through the Batch tasks menu, I now get the
following error message: "Cannot validate
Bruce Capelle Oct 23, 2018
Trados support Import a revised file in .docx format Import a revised file in .docx format [quote]TS support reimport of revised documents
from docx. But the structure of corrected doc must
be absolutely identical (even sentences broken
with paragraphs) [/quote] It sounds goo
Bruce Capelle Jan 25, 2018
Trados support Import a revised file in .docx format Dear colleagues, I translated a MS Word file in
.docx format with the help of SDL Trados 2017. I
then generated the final (clean) document and
delivered it to my client in .docx format
Bruce Capelle Jan 24, 2018
Scams Possible Scam in a Proz job offer I received the same message Hello all, Thank you for raising your concerns:
I received the same message this morning and as I
was in doubt, I googled a few terms of the message
and found this post on that
Bruce Capelle Oct 11, 2010
Trados support Trados Studio error: The database disk image is malformed Thanks! Thank you very much for your help! I removed the
AutoSuggest file and it works now. Best
regards, Bruce
Bruce Capelle Apr 21, 2010
Trados support Trados Studio error: The database disk image is malformed Hi, I'm using Trados Studio SP2 (9.1.1264.0) on
Windows Vista Home Edition Premium. I can
create a new project (adding files, creating TM)
without any problem but when I open the fil
Bruce Capelle Apr 21, 2010
Trados support Target segment doesn't appear in WB Thanks!! Thank you very much for your help! Bruce Capelle Sep 17, 2007
Trados support Target segment doesn't appear in WB Hi all, I use SDL Trados Translator's Workbench and although the matches I get from the
TM appear in my document (whether in Word or
TagEditor) they just don't appear in WorkB
Bruce Capelle Sep 17, 2007
General technical issues Apostrophes in Word 2007 I found the solution... ... and I've decided to post it here to help
anyone with the same problem (in French as I have
a French edition and the problem is related to
French quotes): Pour changer les apostrophe
Bruce Capelle Jul 30, 2007
General technical issues Apostrophes in Word 2007 Apostrophes in Word 2007 Hi Pavel, Thanks for your reply. Did you mean
Word 2007? You mention the Tools menu which is not
present as such in Word 2007. If you did mean Word
2007, do you access the functionality
Bruce Capelle Jul 30, 2007
General technical issues Apostrophes in Word 2007 Apostrophes in Word 2007 Hi all, I use a French version of Word 2007,
which gives "curly" apostrophes by default. I need
to use the straight ones (English ones) for a
project but without changing the language o
Bruce Capelle Jul 30, 2007
General technical issues Email stuck in Outbox : Outlook sent date = None Email stuck in Outbox : Outlook sent date = None Hello, I use Outlook 2000 Premium with Windows
XP (SP2). I also use Plaxo and Norton Antispam.
When I write an email and click Send, it stays
in the outbox and have "None" as sent d
Bruce Capelle May 12, 2005
French Avis à la population : Powwow à Paris Dommage ! J'arrive en France toute juste une semaine
après. J'aurais bien aimé profiter de mes
vacances pour nouer des contacts. Je vais
peut-être organiser un autre PowWow. Bruce
Bruce Capelle May 12, 2004
French VOIR actualités sur le net Le six minutes de M6 Je le regarde tous les jours en complément de la
presse sur Internet. C'est mon JT préféré car
il est
Il m'arrive aussi de rega
Bruce Capelle Apr 23, 2004
Translator resources How to add the accent mark when writing in Spanish on an English keyboard ASCII Codes Hi Celida, Welcome! You can also solve the
problem by using ASCII codes. You can obtain the
desired symbol by pressing the ALT key while
entering a specific key combination. All the<
Bruce Capelle Mar 9, 2004
French Bienvenus, les nouveaux ! Coucou ! Bonjour à tous, Claudia m’a rappelé à
l’ordre alors je passe la tête à travers
l'écran pour vous saluer et parler un peu de
moi… Je m'appelle Bruce, j’ai 29 ans et je
Bruce Capelle Mar 6, 2004
French Un anniversaire Rien n'a changé... Ce rapport de stage n'a pas pris une ride, nous
sommes toujours confrontés aux mêmes problèmes
mais Proz nous rapproche quand même un peu.
Bon anniversaire ! Bruce
Bruce Capelle Feb 20, 2004
French Bonjour ! Je viens d'arriver ! Bienvenue ! Salut Sophie, Bienvenue sur Proz ! C'est rigolo
de te voir ici après avoir été collègues au
lycée ! N'hésite pas à me contacter via mon
profil si je peux t'être utile en quoi qu
Bruce Capelle Feb 13, 2004
Off topic Travelling through Latin America Punta Cana You may imagine that during 1800 days of travel I
visited many places (I missed some of them,
however, like Punta Cana in Dominican Republic.
being only 20 miles away, but with a lot of wo
Bruce Capelle Feb 10, 2004
Powwows Powwow: Santo Domingo - Dominican Republic PowWow Santo Domingo Hola a todos, Gracias por confirmar por email
([email protected]) su participación al PowWow
de Santo Domingo el jueves 5 de febrero a las 8:00
pm. Al confirmar le mandaré la direcció
Bruce Capelle Feb 2, 2004
Powwows Powwow: Santo Domingo - Dominican Republic Claudia Sabes que aquí todo es posible: caben 7/8 en los
carros públicos ;-), entonces 18 en mi casa, eso
e' na' :-)
Bruce Capelle Feb 2, 2004
French On va faire des envieux (PowWow à Saint-Domingue) Brugal, Barceló ou... [quote]Claudia Iglesias wrote: Ce jour est
arrivé. Karl, on va pouvoir enfin comparer et
argumenter nos préférences pour le Barceló ou
le Brugal*, Mike, tu vas pouvoir me montrer l
Bruce Capelle Jan 31, 2004
Getting established Translation of web sites Tag Editor Hi, You need to have Translator's Workbench
running as well as Tag Editor. Open your page in
Tag Editor, translate it and don't forget to clean
it (Tools > Clean up, whithin Workbench)
Bruce Capelle Jan 14, 2004
Money matters Glossary quote Glossary quote Hi, I'm quoting a translation project for a
customer. The subject is rather technical and a
glossary will need to be built up before the
translation phase starts. The language pair is
Bruce Capelle Dec 15, 2003
Déjà Vu support DejaVu import function Language codes Hi, Make sure the person who exported the
memory from Trados 5.5 has defined the language
codes properly. If not, you won't be able to
import into DV. You can easily check this by
Bruce Capelle Sep 19, 2003

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