Translation glossary: Food and wine

Showing entries 51-100 of 169
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croquantFirm-textured [oranges] 
French to English
crustaceos y oblea [sabor]shellfish and rice paper [flavour/taste] 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
dégustation de choux chérisselection of choux pastry delights 
French to English
denominaciones facultativasalternative descriptions/optional descriptions 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
di lunghissima tenutawith a very long (persistent) finish/finish that lingers on and on, etc. 
Italian to English
dolce da forno seccosweet baked items/goods 
Italian to English
duquesas de bacalaobreaded/battered cod chunks/pieces or chunks/pieces of cod in batter/breaded cod chunks 
Spanish to English
embutidos embuchados(salamis and other) cured sausages 
Spanish to English
emporte-piècecorer or pastry/cookie cutter 
French to English
endeño remolcadoclam rake net 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
envolventeembracing, enfolding, caressing, mouth-filling 
Spanish to English
evolventeembracing, enfolding, caressing, mouth-filling 
Spanish to English
Extracto de Marmita(Meat/Game) broth 
Spanish to English
fagottini di pollochicken bundles 
Italian to English
farro spezzato sottovuotovacuum-packed cracked spelt 
Italian to English
fermentar en bloqueleave the dough to prove 
Spanish to English
filatura del formaggiostretching [of the cheese] 
Italian to English
Filet sans arrêteBoneless fillet 
French to English
fractura durahard snap 
Spanish to English
fresca bevarefreshing 
Italian to English
garzoliwild hops [?] 
Italian to English
grado de beaumédegrees Baumé 
Spanish to English
grado de beaumédegrees Baumé 
Spanish to English
granizado de Riojagranita of Rioja/Rioja wine granita 
Spanish to English
grelots noisetteshazelnut sweetmeats 
French to English
grelots noisetteshazelnut sweetmeats [here] 
French to English
herbe floraleflower-rich grassland/meadows 
French to English
histoire de goûtIt's all about taste 
French to English
Hueso manzanobeef marrow bone 
Spanish to English
il latte appena muntofresh milk straight from the cow 
Italian to English
imbottigliato a cadutagravity bottling 
Italian to English
jus blond (au thym)(thyme / thyme-infused) jus 
French to English
jus relevéjus flavoured with chorizo 
French to English
Spanish to English
laisse percevoirreveals 
French to English
lievito pronta maturazionequick yeast/instant yeast 
Italian to English
lonzalonza + explanation (if nec.) 
Italian to English
los procesos de lecturainterpretation of the vineyard 
Spanish to English
lotegift box (here) 
Spanish to English
maestro cortadormaster carver 
Spanish to English
maestro cortadormaster slicer (or carver) 
Spanish to English
make a breast of chicken go furtherextend its use - add other ingredients to the chicken breast so that it will provide more servings 
mantecación (helado)churning (ice cream making) 
Spanish to English
merluza de anzueloline-caught hake 
Spanish to English
Portuguese to English
mil hojas de papapotato gratin, scalloped potatoes 
Spanish to English
molde de media cañahalf pipe mold/mould 
Spanish to English
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