Translation glossary: Liz Askew's Sp-English medical glossary

Showing entries 651-700 of 798
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sb. ... conservadossb = sensibilidad = sensitivity....normal 
Spanish to English
SCG (Escala para el coma de Glasgow)GCS (Glasgow Coma Score) 
Spanish to English
se ha descartado la existencia de anomalías sugestivasthe existence of abnormalities suggesting chronic disease has been ruled out 
Spanish to English
SE INICIA INCENTIVOUse of Incentive Spirometer is begun 
Spanish to English
se ITare totally embedded 
Spanish to English
se observan linfócitos (5-10 por campo a \"seco fuerte.\")under high dry lens 
Spanish to English
Se precedió, subsequently, we proceeded to 
Spanish to English
se presentan bien insuflados, de transparencia y vascularización normalthe lungs/lungfields are normal, transparent and vascularized/the lungs are expanded and transparent,with normal vascularisation 
Spanish to English
Se toman los músculoshooking/hook the muscles 
Spanish to English
secreción biliar en el intestino delgado y el instestino gruesosecretion/delivery of bile into the small and large intestines 
Spanish to English
Segmento proximal de las ramas posterolateralesproximal segment of the posterolateral branches 
Spanish to English
seno cardiofrénicocardiophrenic sinus 
Spanish to English
senos de la duramadresinuses of the dura mater 
Spanish to English
sensación de ocupación en hipocondrio izquierdofeeling of fullness in the left hypochondrium 
Spanish to English
Serie rojared blood cell series 
Spanish to English
Servicio de medicina interna de referenciaDepartment of Internal Medicine referral unit 
Spanish to English
Servicio de TercerosOutsourced service/s 
Spanish to English
servicio hidrológicohydrological service/s 
Spanish to English
Servicio Rural ObligatorioObligatory Rural Service 
Spanish to English
servicios concertadosofficially approved/state-assisted services 
Spanish to English
sesgo de mayor precocidadclear bias towards much earlier... 
Spanish to English
seto CD e IVPseptum, RCA and PDA 
Spanish to English
sextos líquidofluid from the sixth intercostal space 
Spanish to English
signo del bocado (defectos de la membrana eritrocitaria)pitted 
Spanish to English
signo del hacha, no cepillogap test/sulcus sign, no patellar displacement/Sage sign 
Spanish to English
signos de involución cerebral difusasigns of widespread/diffuse involution of the brain 
Spanish to English
Signos doppler a nivel tendinoso/entesal/bursal, derrame bursaldopper signals at tendon, entheses and bursal level, bursal effusion 
Spanish to English
signos involutivos encefálicos a predominio bifrontalpredominantly bifrontal involutary/involutional changes in the brain 
Spanish to English
Sillón / Alimentaciónarmchair/feeding 
Spanish to English
sillones de readaptaciónrehabilitation/rehabilitative armchairs 
Spanish to English
sin disfunción del carrefourwithout dysfunction at the pharyngolaryngo-oesophageal junction 
Spanish to English
sin imagenes que infieren ocupación de espacio virtualwith no images inferring occupation of the potential space 
Spanish to English
sin lesiones (sin loas)sin lesiones/without lesions 
Spanish to English
SIN SALIDA DE SECRECIÓNno wound drainage/exudate 
Spanish to English
sistema personalizado de dosificación (SPD)multi-compartment compliance aids (MCA) OR monitored dosage systems(MDS). 
Spanish to English
situación clínica basalbaseline clinical condition/situation/characteristics 
Spanish to English
Solicitamos a US.usía/your ladyship/your lordship 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
soluciones acuosas correctorascorrective aqueous fluids 
Spanish to English
soluciones de continuidadbreaks in continuity 
Spanish to English
sonda autodirigibleautomated/automatic probe 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
sostén cefálicohead control 
Spanish to English
SP/ ST/ Apartially dependent/totally dependent/autonomous 
Spanish to English
SPD se ve la can see the duodenal papilla 
Spanish to English
Stay Blockstay block/wedge 
English to Spanish
su descripciónit has been reported infrequently with ... 
Spanish to English
subyacen la etiología de la hipertensiónunderlie the aetiology/etiology of hypertension 
Spanish to English
suero antilinfocitos T de conejorabbit anti-T lymphocyte serum/globulin 
Spanish to English
sueros[isotonic] glucose solutions 
Spanish to English
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