Translation glossary: Liz Askew's Sp-English medical glossary

Showing entries 751-798 of 798
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Spanish to English
TRAZOS LINEARESlinear markings 
Spanish to English
tren superiorupper body 
Spanish to English
tres planos dimensionales3D 
Spanish to English
Trofismo, tróficocell maturation 
Spanish to English
trombo intracoronario (please read question)presence of intracoronary thrombus 
Spanish to English
TSRMRadiology Technician 
Italian to English
tubo endotraqueal selectivo de pulmonendotracheal tube for selective [lung] ventilation 
Spanish to English
tunelizando la desembocaduraa channel is created from the opening/mouth [ of the left superior vena cava to the right atrium...] 
Spanish to English
tutor intrapancreáticointrapancreatic drain 
Spanish to English
Ulcera fibrinadaulcer with fibrinous surface/fibrinous ulcer 
Spanish to English
Ultrasonido Prostático Abdominalabdominal ultrasound of the prostate 
Spanish to English
un periodo de validez comprobado de dos añosproven/test shelf life of two years 
Spanish to English
un trastorno sobre el «cómo hacer lo que se sabe»a disorder of \"doing what one knows\" 
Spanish to English
unidad alvéolo-capilaralveolar-capillary unit 
Spanish to English
UNION DE CUADRANTES INTERNOSjunction of the inner quadrants 
Spanish to English
usos y reglas de la buena prácticaGood Practice Rules 
English to Spanish
VACUOLA CLARA INTRACITOPLASMATICAclear intracytoplasmic vacuole 
Spanish to English
Valoracion medico legalmedico-legal assessment 
Spanish to English
vapoyetjet nebulizer 
Spanish to English
vasel-loop en cremalleravessel-loop shoelace technique/zipper technique 
Spanish to English
vasopneumatic compressioncompresión neumática 
English to Spanish
vasos periféricos inespecíficosunspecified 
Spanish to English
vía de ahorrosalvage pathway 
Spanish to English
vía externaexternal approach 
Spanish to English
VEdiagonalsaphenous vein [graft] - diagonal branch 
Spanish to English
vehículo soloonly with the vehicle 
Spanish to English
vejiga plétorafull bladder 
Spanish to English
venoso super-profumsuper-profuNdo/deep-vein 
Spanish to English
ventilación espontánea al aire (VEA)spontaneously breathing room air 
Spanish to English
verificación integralcomprehensive check/checking 
Spanish to English
viscera cardíaca....the heart 
Spanish to English
vitales no disponibleslife-sustaining drugs/medication unavailable 
Spanish to English
vl ocasionalDV (distance vision) 
Spanish to English
VMI y TQTInvasive Mechanical Ventilation and Tracheostomy 
Spanish to English
volumen de fin de lleno ventricularventricular end-diastolic filling volume 
Spanish to English
Volumen latidostroke volume 
Spanish to English
VVP salinizadaPVC/PVL flushed with [normal] saline 
Spanish to English
X mtsbpm (beats per minute) 
Spanish to English
Y de la rama ascendente anteriorand the anterior ascending ramus [of the brain] 
Spanish to English
y manchado de papeland blood on toilet paper 
Spanish to English
y reducción inadecuada de la fracturaand inadequate reduction of the fracture 
Spanish to English
zoclo occipitaloccipital support/pedestal 
Spanish to English
Zona clara que forma una línea con relievevermllion border 
Spanish to English
zona de sistematizaciónarea of proliferation/area of thickening [of glandular tissue] 
Spanish to English
[superficies] cruentadasbleeding [surfaces] 
Spanish to English
\"entidad titular\"owner 
Spanish to English
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