This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Resuming the London Powwows.

November 28, 2009, 2:30 pm
United KingdomLondonIn personEnglish
Welcome back to the London Powwows! Venue: "The King and Queen" pub, on the corner of Foley Street and Cleveland Street (postcode W1W 6DL), 130 metres south of the Telecom Tower. [See a map, and a web page about this pub]. Nearest Tube station: Goodge Street. Other stations not far away: Warren Street, Regent's Park, Gt. Portland Street, Euston Square.

We shall be in the meeting room upstairs. There are tables and chairs and, even when the TV downstairs is on (not every Saturday), it will be quiet. The event is free but the landlord asks everybody to make a contribution of £1 (1 pound) to a charity: Macmillan Nurses (there's a collecting box in the pub). There may be a discussion topic or a talk (about different TM programs), but this is not yet finalised. I suggest the powwow should end not later than 18:00.

Availability of Tube trains: on 28 November, there will be some limitations on the Jubilee, Metropolitan, Circle and District lines. More information here (use the "this date" option and/or the "track closures" PDF file).
Event Organizer:

Oliver Walter

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (23) / Confirmed: 9 / Tentative: 11
Name NoteWill Attend
Oliver Walter  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Lingua.Franca   Thanks Oliver for organizing this!  y
jaynedmoore   Returning to London from a short break that afternoon - may be able to make it later if that is any good! Very interested in future London-based meetings though!   m
Flo in London   Excellent news! Thanks Oliver :-)  y
Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart   I'll try to be there, child care allowing...  m
Dr JM Chen, PhD   Great! Thank you for organising this, Oliver. I look forward to meeting everyone.   y
Manuela Junghans   I´d be interested in coming along...  m
Arianna Tremayne  \"Photographer\" Just recently I thought, wouldn't it be nice... Thanks Oliver!  m
Alex Horn   Fairly new to this...might come along.  m
Condi_   ...  m
Renata Forgacs   Thanks for this; really looking forward to meeting you all...  
Elisa Noetinger   ...  
Thomas Pfann   Brilliant. Looking forward to it.  y
Isabel Teodoro   Thanks for organising!  y
XN Andersson   I might come along to this, if I am allowed? :)  m
Natalia Mackevich  \"Photographer\" Excellenct! I would love to come and meet everyone, so I will try to arrange some child care as well...  m
David Ronder   I'll do my best to be there - look forward to it  m
XTIL Ltd (X)   I will do my best to be there! Thanks for organising this!   
Russell Jones   Will try to make it  y
English2French   Would try to come!  y
Emma B   ...  y
Regina Freitag   Hello! I would like to come, but I can't say for sure yet. Kind regards, Regina  m
Xcaioalexandr (X)   woud love to come!  m

Postings about this event

Powwow: London - United Kingdom
Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:05
German to English
+ ...
A test post Nov 19, 2009

Ignore this "posting". I'm making it because of a problem I had with postings a few days ago.

Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:05
German to English
+ ...
test Oct 23, 2009


Renata Forgacs
Renata Forgacs  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:05
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Great powwow! Nov 29, 2009

Thank you Oliver for organising a great powwow at a superb (and quiet!) venue. I really enjoyed it - looking forward to meeting all of you again!

Dr JM Chen, PhD
Dr JM Chen, PhD  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:05
Chinese to English
+ ...
Thank you! Nov 29, 2009

Thank you Oliver for organising this.

Idalina gave a wonderful informative talk, and I thoroughly enjoyed the lively discussions with all of you. It was the first London Powwow I attended, but hopefully the first of many!

See you again soon!

May Chen

Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:05
Italian to English
Thank you Nov 30, 2009

Thank you Oliver for organising the Powwow and speaker. I enjoyed meeting everyone.
Apologies for the incorrect captions to my photos; it has been a struggle to get them uploaded and approved.

Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:05
German to English
+ ...
Oct 21, 2009

David Ronder
David Ronder  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:05
Member (2008)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Guest speaker Nov 17, 2009

That would be great, Oliver

Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:05
German to English
+ ...
Guest speaker Nov 5, 2009

We shall probably be having a talk by a guest speaker from Imperial College - I am at present discussing the details with her. It will be about different CAT tools.

Flo in London
Flo in London  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:05
English to French
Thanks Oliver Nov 28, 2009

Many thanks for organising this powwow Oliver.

It was great meeting you all and I'm looking forward to our next meetingicon_smile.gif



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