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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Bay Area Translators & Interpreters

April 27, 2013, 4:00 am
United StatesSan FranciscoIn personEnglish

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (15) / Confirmed: 4 / Tentative: 3
Name NoteWill Attend
Monika Weiss  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Looking forward to seeing all who can make it! Any questions I will try to respond to in the comment area below.  y
babble-on   Thanks for organizing this , Monika! Looking forward to it. It is my niece's birthday so I have to see when the party is.   m
cecilia galiena   Dear Monica, unfortunately something work related came up and I will not be able to attend. Too bad, I was looking forward to it. Hopefully next time! Enjoy. Cecilia  n
Scott Ellsworth   ...  
Anastasia Marin   ...  
Samuel_Guia   ...  n
Tahira Rafiq   I will try to make it.  
Paul Lambert   Hey guys! Sorry I couldn't make it in the end, something came up and I had to be out of town on Saturday. Hope you all had a great time!  n
noelle plat   Will try to make it. Looking forward to meeting you all!  m
Galina Blankenship   Thank you, Monika, I'll try to be there.   m
Michael Karpa   I'm making a potato soup...  y
Javier Moreno Pollarolo   Most likely!  y
Thomas Shou   Will make it and bring KOR friend Ki too! ;)  y
tokbl_2   ...  
Carmen Mustile   ...  

Postings about this event

Powwow: San Francisco - United States
Monika Weiss
Monika Weiss  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:20
Spanish to English
Bay Area Translators & Interpreters Potluck Brunch Apr 9, 2013

Dear friends and colleagues,

Let's welcome in the Spring with a Bay Area Translators & Interpreters (BATI) Potluck Brunch Powwow!

Get out from behind that screen and meet new people and see old friends. A Powwow is a great forum for exchanging ideas and learning from your colleagues. Come with your translation questions ready. You will more than likely find someone who has had the same experience. If not, brainstorm with the group to find creative solutions. This is
... See more
Dear friends and colleagues,

Let's welcome in the Spring with a Bay Area Translators & Interpreters (BATI) Potluck Brunch Powwow!

Get out from behind that screen and meet new people and see old friends. A Powwow is a great forum for exchanging ideas and learning from your colleagues. Come with your translation questions ready. You will more than likely find someone who has had the same experience. If not, brainstorm with the group to find creative solutions. This is our opportunity to work together!

I am hosting at my home. We'll have plenty of room for our nice potluck brunch. Look forward to trying your dishes!

Time: April 27th, 2013 at 11:00 am - 2pm

Place: My Home
243 Byxbee St
San Francisco, CA 94132

Look forward to seeing you all!

Monika, RubiSea Translations

Tatyana Van Loo
Tatyana Van Loo  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:20
English to Russian
Sunday instead of Suturday? Apr 9, 2013

Hi Monika! Thank you for organizing the event. It sounds like a great way to meet new people and and make new friends and connections. Is there any way to have it next day on Sunday Apr.28?
I am a Russian Translator/interpreter, less than a year in the Bay area, frequent visitor to SF. Let me know.


United States
Local time: 14:20
English to Tibetan
+ ...
Thank you for the information Apr 10, 2013

Hi Monica,

Thank you for the email and the invitation. I am not sure if I can make it or not because of unsettled sechedule, but I really appreciate the initiative.

With best regards


Monika Weiss
Monika Weiss  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:20
Spanish to English
In response... Apr 11, 2013

Hi All,

Tatyana, I really wish I could accommodate you but once the notice is sent out, it becomes confusing to change dates. I have already posted it in several locations. Again, I'm sorry we'll miss you!

Kawaripa, if you can make it at the last minute, we'd of course love to have you.

Cecilia, it will be great to see you! Last time was too brief, and now a long time ago! Bring whatever you enjoy and the rest of us will too. An eclectic mix is welcome!
... See more
Hi All,

Tatyana, I really wish I could accommodate you but once the notice is sent out, it becomes confusing to change dates. I have already posted it in several locations. Again, I'm sorry we'll miss you!

Kawaripa, if you can make it at the last minute, we'd of course love to have you.

Cecilia, it will be great to see you! Last time was too brief, and now a long time ago! Bring whatever you enjoy and the rest of us will too. An eclectic mix is welcome!

Benny, will be great to see you! Spread the word!

Best to all,

Bojan Grbikj
Bojan Grbikj  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:20
English to Macedonian
+ ...
Potential attendee Apr 13, 2013

Hi everyone, I am moving this weekend from Macedonia to San Francisco Bay Area, and if I have enough time, I would love to join you guys. Is BATI some kind of association?



[Edited at 2013-04-13 15:42 GMT]

Paul Lambert
Paul Lambert  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:20
French to English
+ ...
I'd love to come Apr 15, 2013

Thanks so much for the invitation Monika! I'm not sure how my schedule is looking for that weekend, but if I'm free I'd love to come along. I recently moved to San Francisco from Madrid (towards the end of last year), so would love to get involved with the local translation community.

Have a great week,


Monika Weiss
Monika Weiss  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:20
Spanish to English
In response Part II Apr 16, 2013


Welcome! BATI stands for Bay Area Translators and Interpreters. We are a group of 100+ professionals on Linkedin. Please look us up and send us a request to join. Hope you can make it!


I've been back in the States a few years after eleven in Sevilla so it would be fun to swap experiences. Hope you can make it as well!


noelle plat
noelle plat  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:20
English to French
Thank you for organizing! Apr 23, 2013

Hi Monika,
I will try to make it. Looking forward to meeting you all! ~Noelle


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