SDL Trados Studio 2015 is here! Jul 8, 2015
Conference recap Excellent, informative event for a wide audience. The talks were evenly spaced at a reasonably fast pace but with intelligible, soft-spoken speakers who kept the listeners/viewers attention all the while. Looking forward to the new, updated products/tools of the trade. Thanks for a swell meeting of the minds. and free at that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Good and pretty interesting conference
A great opportunity to see new and old features of this excellent software. Thanks Proz!
It was really a very interesting conference which provided us with sufficient data concerning SDL trados. The event was really technical and informative. It makes us aware of all details concerning Trados software. Thank so much for this fruitful event.
Interesting and useful presentations.
Unfortunetly there is no Certificates from Proz for this event
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View all feedback → Search chat logs Time From To Content 16:50 Apr 8, 2014 Hanaamohamed: 1136024 All to avoide errors in the translated text 16:50 Apr 8, 2014 Hanaamohamed: 1136024 All as I inform the client that there are errors in the source 16:51 Apr 8, 2014 Hanaamohamed: 1136024 All you got the point Mr. Etienne 16:52 Apr 8, 2014 Hanaamohamed: 1136024 All yes 16:53 Apr 8, 2014 Hanaamohamed: 1136024 All لاعف Déjà vu checks target consistency only. But it doesn’t check source consistency 16:54 Apr 8, 2014 Daniel Benito: 1130548 All Déjà Vu can check whether the translation includes the appropriate translations for specific terms in the source. 16:54 Apr 8, 2014 Daniel Benito: 1130548 All But there is no way it can check that the source is correct. Only a human can do that. 16:55 Apr 8, 2014 Daniel Benito: 1130548 All Can you be more specific about the kinds of errors you think it could spot in the source? What kind of inconsistencies? 16:56 Apr 8, 2014 Hanaamohamed: 1136024 All consistency in general 16:57 Apr 8, 2014 Daniel Benito: 1130548 All I'm afraid that is a task that can only be accomplished by a human. There is no way we can tell if the source text is using the right words or not. 16:57 Apr 8, 2014 Daniel Benito: 1130548 All Even modern grammar checkers, such as the one in Word, can barely tell if a sentence is grammatically correct. 16:58 Apr 8, 2014 Daniel Benito: 1130548 All Determining whether terminology or certain grammatical structures are used consistently is currently beyond the reach of computers, I'm afraid. 16:58 Apr 8, 2014 Daniel Benito: 1130548 All Unless we're misunderstanding what you're asking. 17:06 Apr 8, 2014 Blandine-ATRIL: 1459982 All Hi, we are approaching the end of this day. 17:07 Apr 8, 2014 Blandine-ATRIL: 1459982 All We'll be closing the chat in a few minutes, if you have a last message to send do not hesitate! 17:08 Apr 8, 2014 Blandine-ATRIL: 1459982 All Also, we are always available to answer you on [email protected] 17:12 Apr 8, 2014 Blandine-ATRIL: 1459982 All Thanks to all the participants, visitors and organizers of the event! I hope everybody enjoyed the day! The Atril-team did so! 17:12 Apr 8, 2014 Blandine-ATRIL: 1459982 All bye bye 17:12 Apr 8, 2014 Claudio@Atril: 1765942 All A pleasure talking to you! See you soon 17:17 Apr 8, 2014 Drew MacFadyen: 601248 All We will be disconnecting people from chat in a few minutes. Thanks to all that participated 09:52 May 28, 2014 Drew MacFadyen: 601248 All Good day everyone and welcome to the memoQ 2014 virtual event! 09:52 May 28, 2014 Laurence Fogarty: 1603829 All Hi, thank you and hope to make the most of today.... 09:53 May 28, 2014 JenniferDR: 1841503 All good morning everyone 09:54 May 28, 2014 Alexey Pylov: 62184 All Hi all :) 09:54 May 28, 2014 István Lengyel: 142959 All Good morning everyone!
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