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[quote]finnword1 wrote:
The comment comes from the Merriam-Webster dictionary. My opinion is that the word powwow is being used on the ProzCom website in a very stupid way. [/quote]
Ich bin in Rheinland-Pfalz ermächtigt und wir müssen einen Stempel haben.
Anscheinend in Bayern auch: Art. 11 Nr. 3 BayD
[quote]Inga Petkelyte wrote:
... For me personally, English words would go far faster than Portuguese ones - for the matter of the length of words and (yes, taking that into account) be
[quote]Teresa Borges wrote:
I have an arrangement with two trusted colleagues (I worked in-house for 20 years with one of them) where we proofread each other's work (mostly work done fo
Would the Spanish customer be satisfied with this? ce/lista-de-servicos/cadastros/cnpj/comprovante-de -inscricao-e-situacao-cadastral-cnpj
Não sei porque meu comentário anterior saiu cortado.
Aqui vai o link aspx?SCat=0%211&Search=dicionario+de+locucoes+e+ex pressoes&sft=1&
Na Europa encontro geralmente livros brasileiros na Fnac Portugal. Aqui: .aspx?SCat=0%211&Search=Dicionário+de+Locuções+ e+Expres
Ask Jose Henrique Lamensdorf.
I know he uses to do such work for agencies!
He knows for sure the term you're looking for
The design doesn´t appeal me that much. But I think it´s good to see directly how long the job offert remains open.
As every changes, one have to get used to it.
[quote]Vanda Nissen wrote:
You should probably work on your networking skills too - you have mentioned that your friend is busy but it does not look like she is sharing her work with<
Unfortunately that's the way it works.
Hier ist one previous discussion port/274160-is_the_memoq_licence_lifelong.html
[quote]Teresa Borges wrote:
The question is that a name change is a legal act and it is not the job of the translator to do it. As far as I know, procedures and ease of a name cha
[quote]Tom in London wrote:
Step 4 might be to appoint a lawyer based in the same city as the non-paying client. I think physical closeness is very important in these cases, so that if
Hi Daniel,
I don't know in your working pair. I use to charge the usual JVEG fees.
Sometimes we have to negociate (Students with low budget and so on). Menschlicher Verstand.
Good luck
If you translate for the tribunal in Germany, you have to apply the JVEG for translations and you cannot charge for certification.
If you translate for private clients you can use your us
[quote]Tanya Rozanes Olevsky wrote:
The OP was overwhelmed with work and left the forum abandoned for a while. Sorry about that. Thank you for all your posts and input. I am in the proc
[quote]Teresa Borges wrote:
[quote]Samuel Murray wrote:
[quote]Teresa Borges wrote:
You have to reproduce everything as stated in the original document, even spelling errors...
Could you share the link? [/quote]
Certainly! oq-autocorrect-update-ms-word-export.html
Creat e an empty Autocorrect list in memo
[quote]Walter Moura wrote:
Try this site.
It searches not only three, but 24 online dictionaires, including PROZ Search term, and presents the results i
[quote]José Henrique Lamensdorf wrote:
[quote]Bernhard Sulzer wrote:
Again, I don't speak Portuguese, but I can imagine someone could be a little offended by that joke; I know i
[quote]Graça Ribeiro wrote:
Hello, everyone.
My native language is Portuguese and the 'variant' is European.
I understand people with a more 'varied' background - linguistic,
Na Alemanha, se o documento for para uso no país, somente o tradutor assina e coloca seu carimbo. Não há necessidade de 'reconhecimento' de firma ou certificação.
Se a tradução fo
[quote]Catia Franco de Santana wrote:
Amigos e colegas tradutores, gostaria de divulgar uma campanha de crowdfunding, que está chegando à reta final.
A campanha é para viabilizar a<
Thanks a lot! I havê windows 10 running on an Ácer
I'll try one of those you've mentioned!
[quote]Viviane Marx wrote:
Hi Tom:
which software or programm do you have to get t
[quote]Tom in London wrote:
[quote]Monika Rozwarzewska wrote:
It is said that there are people who make back up copies and those who will.
I do it daily and save a copy on an ex
Concordo com Danik, hoje em dia tem muita coisa diferente.
Costumo consultar os livros de Celso Pedro Luft:
Dicionário prático de regência verbal e dicionário prático de regência
[quote]Erik Freitag wrote:
You already seem to know that it doesn't matter at all whether their client pays or not. That's good.
Now, it really doesn't matter how friendly your clien
[quote]Rolf Kern wrote:
Sicher nicht. Excel ist kein Tabellenprogramm sondern ein Tabellenkalkulationsprogramm. Das einzig wahre Tabellenprogramm ist MS Word. Ich mache alle meine G
[quote]Amharina wrote:
Es scheint mir sehr schwierig zu sein, diese C2-Kenntnisse nachzuweisen.
Ich habe im Fach Spanisch die Promotion, aber habe eben vorher keinen Übersetzer,
So was ist mir noch nicht passiert: Gestern ist mir ar ich als Dolmetscherin bei einem Verfahren. Nach 45 Min. wurde es beendet (Aussage gegen Aussage usw. und so fort).
[quote]Rolf Keller wrote:
Zunächst mal muss genau geklärt werden, was die Aufgabe ist. Irgendwelche Texte zu irgendwelchen Produkten – das ist völlig nichtssagend.
Was sind das
[quote]Eric Le Carre wrote:
Auf solche Aufträge für kreatives Texten würde ich unbedingt einen Stundenpreis anwenden, und keinen Wortpreis.
Viel Erfolg! [/quote]
Das ist ei
[quote]Thayenga wrote:
vor kurzem erhielt ich ebenfals ein ähnliches Angebot, habe aber dankend abgelehnt aus verschiedenen Gründen., u. A. vollständige Abtretung der U
Pastey is an innovative desktop application that bridges the gap between human expertise and artificial intelligence. With intuitive keyboard shortcuts, Pastey transforms your source text into AI-powered draft translations.
Create your account in minutes, and start working! 3-month trial for agencies, and free for freelancers!
The system lets you keep client/vendor database, with contacts and rates, manage projects and assign jobs to vendors, issue invoices, track payments, store and manage project files, generate business reports on turnover profit per client/manager etc.