Time | Languages | Job details | Posted by Outsourcer affiliation | Outsourcer LWA avg  | Status | 14:28 | | Surgery instruments, TRADOS Software: Trados Studio Country: Spain Certification: Required | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 4.9 out of 5 | 4.9 | 8 Quotes | 13:41 Mar 3 | | NAATI certified Greek translator Translation | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 4.7 out of 5 | 4.7 | Past quoting deadline | 14:04 Feb 28 | | Audio in Greek and a video in English Subtitling, Time Coding | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 4.6 out of 5 | 4.6 | Past quoting deadline | 11:44 Feb 28 | | NL>Catalan, Slovenian, and Greek, Retail & Marketing Content, Regular Project Translation, Checking/editing, MT post-editing |  Professional member LWA: 4.7 out of 5 | 4.7 | Contact directly | 09:53 Feb 28 | 7 more pairs | Appliance Manual,20k words, Trados Translation, MT post-editing | ProZ.com Business member LWA: 5 out of 5 ProZ.com Business member | 5 | Closed | 08:35 Feb 28 | 5 more pairs | Remote Translation - Long-term Cooperation - IT - Multiple Language Pairs Translation, Checking/editing | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 4.2 out of 5 | 4.2 | 67 Quotes | 08:13 Feb 28 | 5 more pairs | Remote Translation - Long-term Cooperation - IT - Multiple Language Pairs Translation, Checking/editing | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 4.2 out of 5 | 4.2 | Closed | 09:49 Feb 27 | | Greek Transcribers Translation, Transcription, Language instruction |  Professional member LWA: 5 out of 5 | 5 | 7 Quotes | 06:02 Feb 27 | | Subtitle translation - UFC/MMA videos (20 episodes) Translation, Subtitling, Captioning, Subtitling, Translation (Potential) Software: Aegisub, Belle Nuit Subtitler, CaptionHub, CaptionMaker/MacCaption, DivXLand Media Subtitler, EZTitles, FinalSub, fiveLoadSub, MovieCaptioner, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Editor, Subtitle Workshop, titlebee, Titlevision Submachine, Wincaps Q4, Captiz | | 5 | Past quoting deadline | 16:13 Feb 26 | 7 more pairs | Gettranslation Expands Its Team of Language Specialists and Invites New Talent Translation, Checking/editing, Interpreting, Consecutive, Interpreting, Simultaneous, Voiceover, Summarization, Education, Interpreting, Chuchotage/Whispering, Interpreting, Liaison, Interpreting, Phone, Transcription, Copywriting, MT post-editing, Transcreation, Subtitling, Captioning, Subtitling, Checking/Editing/QC, Subtitling, Time Coding, Subtitling, Translation, Subtitling, SDH/HOH, Language instruction, Native speaker conversation, Sworn/Certified Translation, Terminology management, Interpreting, Video (Potential) | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 5 out of 5 | 5 | Contact directly | 15:40 Feb 26 | 7 more pairs | Gettranslation Expands Its Team of Language Specialists and Invites New Talent Translation, Checking/editing, Interpreting, Consecutive, Interpreting, Simultaneous, Voiceover, Summarization, Education, Interpreting, Chuchotage/Whispering, Interpreting, Liaison, Interpreting, Phone, Transcription, Copywriting, MT post-editing, Transcreation, Subtitling, Captioning, Subtitling, Checking/Editing/QC, Subtitling, Time Coding, Subtitling, Translation, Subtitling, SDH/HOH, Language instruction, Native speaker conversation, Sworn/Certified Translation, Terminology management, Interpreting, Video (Potential) | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 5 out of 5 | 5 | Contact directly | 15:24 Feb 26 | 7 more pairs | Gettranslation Expands Its Team of Language Specialists and Invites New Talent Translation, Checking/editing, Interpreting, Consecutive, Interpreting, Simultaneous, Voiceover, Summarization, Education, Interpreting, Chuchotage/Whispering, Interpreting, Liaison, Interpreting, Phone, Transcription, Copywriting, MT post-editing, Transcreation, Subtitling, Captioning, Subtitling, Checking/Editing/QC, Subtitling, Time Coding, Subtitling, Translation, Subtitling, SDH/HOH, Language instruction, Native speaker conversation, Sworn/Certified Translation, Terminology management, Interpreting, Video (Potential) | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 5 out of 5 | 5 | Contact directly | 05:10 Feb 25 | | Greek speakers for tagging Harmful content Translation, Checking/editing, Transcription |  Professional member LWA: 5 out of 5 | 5 | 8 Quotes | 07:06 Feb 20 | | Greek Sworn Translator Sworn/Certified Translation | ProZ.com Business member LWA: 4.8 out of 5 ProZ.com Business member | 4.8 | Closed | 01:37 Feb 20 | | 长期字幕翻译兼职译员招募 _ 中-希腊 Translation | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 3.8 out of 5 | 3.8 | Past quoting deadline | 08:20 Feb 19 | | Greek Translator Translation, Checking/editing | ProZ.com Business member LWA: 4.8 out of 5 ProZ.com Business member | 4.8 | Past quoting deadline | 03:01 Feb 18 | | Medicine Instrument,en-US>el-GR, TRADOS Translation | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 4.7 out of 5 | 4.7 | Closed | | | | | X Sign in to your ProZ.com account... | | | | | | Translation industry jobs Jobs posted by outsourcers seeking quotes from language professionals.
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