This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Meet fellow freelancers

November 14, 2009, 3:00 pm
United KingdomNottinghamIn personEnglish

The next Nottingham powwow will be held on Saturday 14 November. Join us for drinks from 3 pm (until around 6 pm).

CHANGE OF VENUE: We will now be meeting at The Orange Tree, 38 Shakespeare Street, Nottingham, NG1 4FQ. The venue is off Mansfield Road close to the Victoria shopping centre, which is probably the nearest place to park for those driving. If you are coming by train it will take about 10 to 15 minutes to walk from Nottingham station.

Look out for the ProZ sign on our table – I have reserved an area for the group so we will either be on the sofas in the snug to the right of the main door or around a big table towards the back of the pub.

I look forward to seeing you there. In the meantime, happy translating,

About the powwow: This informal event for language professionals provides an opportunity to chat and network in a relaxed setting – the freelance equivalent of those water cooler moments!

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Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (38) / Confirmed: 23 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
XSarah Appleby (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Organizer. The report and photos are here:   y
XAngela Dickson (X)   turns out this date is no good. Hope it goes well!  n
Peter Gaukrodger   Looking forward to seeing you all.  y
Languageman   Sadly I shall have to miss it this time. Have fun all, hope to catch the next one.   n
Steve Yates   There will be two of us (at least while she's not shopping), just so you can plan for numbers.  y
Maria3l   ...  y
XIna Brachmann (X)  \"Host\" It was nice to share thoughts, ideas and experience and worth travelling all the way to Nottingham. Thank you for organising this, Sarah.  y
Deivydas Trecekauskas   ...  m
nordiatext   Hi Sarah, we have Swedish relatives coming that weekend. :-( Will try to come to the next one!  n
brinicho   Brigitte Nicholson  y
Dierk Widmann   Cousin's 40th Birthday Party is raining on my parade to Notts. Have fun and see you in the new year!  n
Qing Ying Sun Shao  \"Photographer\" I will definitely attend this one since I've recently moved here!  y
Kasia Kelly   Kasia Kelly  y
nikamo   Hello, I am quite new here and would like to attend this meeting!   y
Anastasia Novoselova   Hi, Sarah! Thank you for the invitation. I am interested and I'll try to come.  y
Frances Warburton   Sorry have a Japanese translators event on the same day.  n
CarlaBlake   I would like to bring my husband along who is also a translator.  y
Paul Knight   I would definitely be interested in attending this!  y
XSurama (X)   ...  n
XEmma McGrenaghan   I'm gonna try and come! It will be my first powwow! lol  m
Olesya Francis   Hi everyone! Sorry I won't be able to make the powwow - yet again! But if my plans change I wil try to be there.  n
Babak Kouravand DPSI (Court Interpreter)   It sounds great! Oh dear, Im gana miss it.   n
Svanhild Aldal   Can't make it now I'm afraid :-( Next time, though!  n
Russell Jones   Sorry for the late confirmation; just got home from Italy at 2:00 this morning!  y
Georgia Ford   Will try to make it again this time!  y
aufwindian   Looking forward to my first proz social meeting  y
Gail Bond   I've never been to a Powwow before but hopefully I will be able to join you!  y
Raluca Costin   Hi, can I sign up to come? I know it is rather late but I have forgotten about it and just realized I needed to book it. Please let me know if you've got space for one more.  
Jennifer White   Hope to be there too!  y
Steve Poynter   Looking forward to making some new contacts. Will be bringing a friend too (also a translator)  y
Heather Lane  \"Host\" Co-Host  y
Armorel Young   Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones.  y
gb484   ...  
Lena Grainger   ...  
Yelena.   Hopefully next time, guys!  n
Lancashireman   The UK's most popular powwow  y
XAnne-Marie Grant (X)   Hello - I'm based in London but know some of the attendees so am going to make every effort to come to this one.  y
Mattijs Warbroek   Great to see so many new names! (Looking forward to seeing the 'old' faces as well!)  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Nottingham - United Kingdom
Sarah Appleby (X)
Sarah Appleby (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:21
German to English
Report now online Nov 16, 2009

Kasia Kelly
Kasia Kelly
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:21
Polish to English
+ ...
POWWOW Nottingham Nov 15, 2009

Thank you for the invite I really enjoyed it and found it very useful and full of information. I look forward to the next one!

Ina Brachmann (X)
Ina Brachmann (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:21
English to German
+ ...
It was good to meet you all! Nov 16, 2009

... to share thoughts, ideas and experience Definitely worth travelling all the way to Nottingham. Thank you for organising this, Sarah.

Sarah Appleby (X)
Sarah Appleby (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:21
German to English
Important: Change of Venue Nov 11, 2009

Please note that the venue for the powwow has changed to The Orange Tree, 38 Shakespeare St, Nottingham ( See here for a map:

Nottingham's new art gallery opens on Saturday so why not go along there befo
... See more
Please note that the venue for the powwow has changed to The Orange Tree, 38 Shakespeare St, Nottingham ( See here for a map:

Nottingham's new art gallery opens on Saturday so why not go along there before the powwow?

Thanks a million for confirming your attendance, Sarah

Surama (X)
Surama (X)
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:21
Spanish to English
+ ...
. Nov 11, 2009

Sorry Sarah, I can´t make it this weekend, I´m pretty busy with work and my MA. I hope you all have a great time though!icon_smile.gif

Sarah Appleby (X)
Sarah Appleby (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:21
German to English
Are you coming to the powwow? Nov 4, 2009

If so, please make sure you change your "WILL ATTEND" status to YES or NO by Monday to help me plan. Thanks a million! Sarah

Qing Ying Sun Shao
Qing Ying Sun Shao
Local time: 03:21
Member (2009)
English to Chinese
+ ...
great evening, thanks! Nov 18, 2009

Best wishes to all and cya at the next one!

Sarah Appleby (X)
Sarah Appleby (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:21
German to English

Lovely to see so many people this afternoon – you make the event what it is! The report and some photos should appear soon. Please feel free to upload any photos you may have taken today.
Best regards and enjoy the rest of your weekend,

Sarah Appleby (X)
Sarah Appleby (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:21
German to English
It's great... Oct 7, 2009

... to see so many people signing up to come along on 14 November, so thank you for your interest. ProZ's new powwow invitations really work!

By the way, for those of you who live further away such as Birmingham or even Derby, it's very easy to set up an event - no special skills required, just put a time and a place on and see what happensicon_smile.gif

Really look forward to meeting you all.
... See more
... to see so many people signing up to come along on 14 November, so thank you for your interest. ProZ's new powwow invitations really work!

By the way, for those of you who live further away such as Birmingham or even Derby, it's very easy to set up an event - no special skills required, just put a time and a place on and see what happensicon_smile.gif

Really look forward to meeting you all.

Best wishes,

PS. If you're a 'maybe', I will ask you to confirm your attendance nearer the time. Might have to switch the venue or reserve an area in a bar somewhere if the sign-up list keeps growing.

Mattijs Warbroek
Mattijs Warbroek  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:21
Swedish to Dutch
+ ...
Next powwow 9 January Dec 4, 2009

Hi everyone!

I have put up the next powwow on the website. Please let me know if you want to come!


Languageman  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:21
German to English
+ ...
Link to 9 Jan 2010 Powwow Dec 4, 2009


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