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October 3, 2015, 3:00 pm
United KingdomLeedsIn personEnglish
For anyone coming by train who doesn't know Leeds City Centre:
1. As you come out of the station, follow everyone else. After about 50 metres, you will find yourself at City Square.
2. Turn right across the pedestrian crossing, and take the road passing in front of BHS.
3. Carry on for about 300 metres until you get to a set of traffic lights with a pedestrian crossing (next to Yates Wine Bar and Hotel Chocolat). Turn left onto Albion Street, trying to avoid spending too much time and money in Hotel Chocolat.
4. Walk up Albion Street for about 250 metres until you come to a pedestrian street coming off to the right: this is Albion Place and the New Conservatory is on the corner.
Hope to see you there!

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (19) / Confirmed: 3 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
Nigel Wheatley  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
Clive Prestt   Will come around 3 pm, possibly with wife and son joining later about 5 pm.  y
Chris Hall   ...  n
chaplin   It is a long way ahead but it sounds great as I have never been to Leeds. I am planning to sell house soon but who knows I might still be in Britain then.   
Emma Seddon   ...  
jamiemelly   ...  
Neil Coffey   Hope to attend if I can!  
Leah Hunt   Never been to Leeds, so hoping to make this one  m
Mila Rapizo   [email protected]  
Delaina   ...  
Anita Birch   ...  
Steve Yates   I can make it after all :)  y
carol so   ...  
Gabriela Mizerija   Just joined ProZ, so I'm not quite sure what to expect, but I might attend!  
ThompsonText   Possibly. Chris  m
XFaustine.Rou (X)   ...  
lim0nka   ...  
Isabelle Handley-Allen   ...  y
Jytte Crooks   Jytte Crooks  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Leeds - United Kingdom
Mike Roebuck
Mike Roebuck  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:58
German to English
+ ...
Can't attend, sorry Sep 11, 2015

Taking a much needed holiday at the time.

Nigel Wheatley
Nigel Wheatley  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:58
French to English
+ ...
Suggested venue Sep 17, 2015

Hi everyone, the date is getting near so we really ought to decide where we're going to meet!
My suggestion is the New Conservatory Café Bar on Albion Place (corner with Albion Street, LS1 6JL), which seems spacious enough to accommodate us without problem and quiet enough (of an afternoon) for conversation.
Any objections or other suggestions?

Rachel Westerdale
Rachel Westerdale  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:58
Member (2007)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Missing it again! Sep 17, 2015

I was hoping to attend this meet up, after not being able to make the last one, but I'm away that weekend.icon_frown.gif
Hope it goes well,

Rosie Blagg (X)
Rosie Blagg (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:58
Spanish to English
Thanks for the invitation Sep 17, 2015

Unfortunately that week is going to be a full one for me, so I won't make it. Hope it goes well!

Isabelle Handley-Allen
Isabelle Handley-Allen  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:58
French to English
+ ...
Venue Sep 18, 2015

Hi Nigel,

The New Conservatory sounds like a good idea to me!

See you then,


Clive Prestt
Clive Prestt  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:58
Italian to English
+ ...
Venue Sep 28, 2015

The New Conservatory id good for me too.

See you Saturday.

Clive Prestt


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