Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jul 19 '16 pol>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
- Jun 28 '16 pol>eng duże brutto total compensation pro closed ok
4 Jun 28 '16 pol>eng duże brutto gross remuneration pro closed ok
4 May 14 '16 eng>pol Claims Team Leader kierownik zespołu (ds.) likwidacji szkód pro closed ok
- May 1 '16 pol>eng maczuga finansowa financial club pro closed ok
- Apr 21 '16 pol>eng zasada odzyskanego kosztu cost recovery basis pro closed ok
4 Apr 8 '16 pol>eng odparowanie wpłaty vs przeparowanie zapłat un-pairing of deposit vs. re-pairing of payments pro closed ok
4 Mar 30 '16 pol>eng Inwentaryzacja taking inventory/stocktaking pro closed ok
- Mar 10 '16 eng>pol personal deduction osobisty odpis od podatku pro closed ok
- Mar 7 '16 pol>eng Kompensata i potwierdzenie salda settlement of accounts//statement of account, balance confirmation pro closed ok
- Mar 2 '16 pol>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
4 Feb 21 '16 eng>pol equally weighted average of third alternatives równo ważona średnia trzecich alternatyw pro closed ok
- Jan 27 '16 pol>eng zarachować w ciężar kosztów wynagrodzenia record in the wages and salaries expense account pro closed no
- Jan 26 '16 pol>eng istotne pozycje czynne i bierne list of significant (items such as) accruals and prepayments pro closed ok
4 Jan 26 '16 pol>eng odpis aktualizujący wartość należności allowance for uncollectible accounts/allowance for bad debts/provisions for bad debts pro closed ok
- Nov 22 '15 pol>eng koszt wytworzenia construction cost pro closed ok
4 Nov 16 '15 pol>eng optymalizacja podatkowa tax opimisation pro closed ok
- Nov 9 '15 pol>eng przeniesienia transfer (to equity) pro closed no
- Nov 9 '15 eng>pol Days Billing Outstanding liczba dni opóźnienia w płatności faktury pro just_closed no
- Nov 9 '15 pol>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed no
- Sep 14 '15 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro just_closed no
4 Sep 11 '15 eng>pol cash book posting zapis w księdze kasowej pro closed ok
4 Aug 28 '15 pol>eng Rozliczanie się z podatków od wynajmu nieruchomości tax payment on rental real estate income pro closed ok
3 Aug 9 '15 eng>pol upward restatement przeszacowanie z tytułu X milionowego wzrostu zysku operacyjnego pro closed ok
4 Jun 27 '15 pol>eng inwentaryzacja zdawczo-odbiorcza inventory transfer and receipt pro closed ok
- Jun 20 '15 eng>pol the revenue or realization principle zasada realizacji pro open no
- Jun 20 '15 eng>pol Answer hidden by answerer pro open no
4 Jun 20 '15 eng>pol the time-period or accounting period assumption zasada periodyzacji pro closed no
4 Jun 20 '15 eng>pol the historical cost principle zasada kosztu historycznego pro closed ok
4 May 23 '15 pol>eng rezerwa na środki trwałe provision for fixed assets pro closed no
- May 18 '15 pol>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro open no
- May 4 '15 eng>pol credit zaliczenie pro closed ok
- Apr 14 '15 pol>eng Przesunięcie dochodu podatkowego shift /shifting of taxable income pro closed no
- Mar 27 '15 pol>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed no
- Mar 23 '15 pol>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
- Mar 22 '15 pol>eng nakłady poniesione na ulepszenie środków trwałych investments in fixed asset improvement pro closed ok
- Mar 22 '15 pol>eng amortyzowane jednorazowo written off at one time pro closed ok
4 Mar 22 '15 pol>eng przyjąć do używania put into use/service pro closed ok
- Mar 22 '15 pol>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
- Mar 22 '15 pol>eng koszty wytworzenia creation costs pro closed ok
2 Jan 15 '15 pol>eng przychody nalezne wykazywane amounts shown as due pro closed ok
- Jan 15 '15 eng>pol Financial Accountant and Accounts Receivable księgowy ds. finansowych i należności pro closed no
- Jan 5 '15 pol>eng operacje rachunkowo-kasowe operating the cash register and accounting for daily receipts pro closed ok
4 Dec 18 '14 pol>eng wykon wskaźnika achievement/performance/fulfillment of target index pro closed ok
4 Nov 30 '14 pol>eng wystawianie ceny kupna display of the bid price pro closed ok
4 Oct 3 '14 pol>eng Moment sprawozdawczy reporting event pro closed ok
- Sep 30 '14 eng>pol virtual certainty prawie całkowita pewność pro closed no
- Jul 17 '14 pol>eng na który będą dokonywane coroczne odpisy against which annual write-offs will be made//annual write-offs will be made to reserve capital pro closed no
- Jul 9 '14 eng>pol principal-to-principal basis na zasadzie umowy podpisanej przez sygnatariuszy ostatecznie odpowiedzialnych za zobowiązania umowne pro closed ok
4 Jul 11 '14 pol>eng w części przypadającej na dokonane odpisy amortyzacyjne in part attributable to depreciation charges pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered