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Search results: (106 matches)
Money matters Bitcoin for Translators - Why Not? @Philippe [quote]Philippe Locquet wrote: How is this going
for you all? Are you actively using Bitcoin or
other crypto for translation jobs? With some
cryptos being very high, a per word rate m
OG Pete Apr 9, 2021
Post-editing & Machine Translation Roadmap to Value: Glossary Applicator for Google Translate Cool! Can I look at the code? [quote]Jean Dimitriadis
machine-translation This works with any MT
(Currently G
OG Pete May 26, 2017
Post-editing & Machine Translation Roadmap to Value: Glossary Applicator for Google Translate Cafetran MT + Glossary Pretranslation [quote]CafeTran Training wrote: [quote]Peter
Gleason wrote: I am making software that will
force Google Translate to apply your glossaries in
your translations. [/quote] FYI there
OG Pete May 23, 2017
Post-editing & Machine Translation Roadmap to Value: Glossary Applicator for Google Translate I am making software that will force Google
Translate to apply your glossaries in your
translations. So that it always translates your
key words the same way. Across an entire file or<
OG Pete May 22, 2017
Translation news Machines to Replace Human Translators? They Already Have: English Tabloid ;) [quote]Fi2 n Co wrote: [quote]Peter Gleason
wrote: Priceless! [/quote] Hi Peter, Yes, we
should be finding these pearls for a while yet,
especially in language pairs where MT hasn’t
OG Pete May 21, 2017
Translation news Machines to Replace Human Translators? They Already Have: English Tabloid Thanks Fi2 n Co and LegalTransform Hi Fi2 n Co [quote]Fi2 n Co wrote: Hello
Петро The change felt is due to a change in
structure, now Google has implemented the use of
neural networks to its Machine Translation. M
OG Pete May 19, 2017
Translation news Machines to Replace Human Translators? They Already Have: English Tabloid Google Translate still has a long way to go... As someone who has been watching Google Translate
closely, I can state that its machine translation
engine has made more progress this year than in
the last decade. I can also state that i
OG Pete May 15, 2017
Powwows Powwow: Poznan - Poland Nice to meet you all! It was great to get to know you all and poznań :) OG Pete Sep 30, 2016
Powwows Powwow: Budapest - Hungary Nice to meet you all! I'll see if I can organize one in Prague soon.
Message me if you're interested. +420 773 228 956
(temp Czech number) -Petro
OG Pete Aug 27, 2016
Money matters Bitcoin for Translators - Why Not? Yes, Yes and Yes [quote]Martin Fernandez Cufre wrote: So where
does this bitcoin matter stand now? Without going
into infinite tech details, would you say it is
viable now for receiving small-medium pay
OG Pete May 19, 2015
Business issues We are #82 Question What clients are your friends who regularly make
200k working for? Agencies?
OG Pete Jan 29, 2014
Business issues We are #82 Too Bad We Made the List Maybe we're better off if people don't know about
this job :) I guess the trick is to stay on
clients' radar but off everybody else's? ;)
OG Pete Jan 27, 2014
Money matters Bitcoin for Translators - Why Not? getting there :) [quote]Hans Geluk wrote: This discussion has
been silent for some 5 months now, but in the
meantime Bitcoin is living another boom, soaring
from 200$ to 800$ in less than a month. One m
OG Pete Nov 24, 2013
Translation Theory and Practice Translating in Altered States of Consciousness Re: Tai Chi [quote]Triston Goodwin wrote: I started
practicing tai chi chuan after a skateboarding
injury destroyed my left shoulder 9 years ago.
I've since recovered so I don't practice as much
OG Pete Aug 10, 2013
Translation Theory and Practice Translating in Altered States of Consciousness Iván, can you recommend an NLP program? [quote]Iván Luciano wrote: I improved my sleep
with Neuro-Linguistic Programming, it should also
work on improving concentration. This method
yields results only after several weeks (o
OG Pete Jul 27, 2013
Money matters Email notification of a reduction in rates from a translation agency Did they actually ask everybody to cut their prices by £0.015 per word? Was it a mass e-mail? Unconventional approach. OG Pete Jul 17, 2013
Translation Theory and Practice Translating in Altered States of Consciousness Yoga, Pomodoro Technique, and Binaural Beats - What Else? [quote]Anna Sarah Krämer Fazendeiro
wrote: Sorry, I don't know any exercises to
reach alpha waves especially - I started to do
yoga against back and neck pain and found that it
OG Pete Jul 17, 2013
Translation Theory and Practice Translating in Altered States of Consciousness Thanks Anna [quote]Anna Sarah Krämer Fazendeiro wrote: I
find the same thing happening to me - when time to
finish a project gets short, the necessary focus
is there and I keep going effectively f
OG Pete Jul 16, 2013
Translation Theory and Practice Translating in Altered States of Consciousness I've noticed that I'm able to concentrate with
laser-like focus during some translation sessions
and get easily distracted during others. My
concentration seems to be the strongest late at
OG Pete Jul 15, 2013
Money matters Hourly rates - how to prove the amount of hours spent? Yes, clients normally trust their translators. [quote]Maria Arruti wrote: For example, if I
spend 5 hours completing a project, how do I prove
that I have actually spent 5 hours, not 3? Do
clients normally trust translators regardin
OG Pete Jul 10, 2013
Money matters Contractual penalties? Limit Liability to the Amount of the Deal I usually just strike out contractual penalties,
put my initials next to stricken line, and then
fax back the contract. Some of the terms
agencies try to stuff "services agreements" wit
OG Pete Jul 9, 2013
Trados support Displaying SDL badge on profile page You're welcome, David. Looks great! OG Pete Jul 9, 2013
Linguistic diversity Misuse of "revert" Most People are Desensitized to enVB [quote]Michael Wetzel wrote: The only reason
that the issue is important to me is because enVB
(very bad English) is threatening to become
acceptable to more and more markets. That is a
OG Pete Jul 9, 2013
Trados support Displaying SDL badge on profile page You Can Borrow Mine [quote]David Hayes wrote: I have tried to
follow the instructions given by SDL and members
of this site for inserting the 'I work with Trados
Studio 2011' badge on my profile page. If y
OG Pete Jul 9, 2013
Money matters Non-payment Ask Them What They Want to Pay [quote]Johan Venter wrote: What do you think,
what should I do next?

[/quote] Have you
asked them or have they told you how much they
want to pay? Regards
OG Pete Jul 9, 2013
Money matters Can Translators Make a Dollar a Day Blogging? Your Blog, Phil [quote]philgoddard wrote: And I tried Google
AdWords for a while. The blog was getting about a
thousand hits per week, but the click-through rate
was a fraction of one percent, and I th
OG Pete Jul 8, 2013
Money matters Can Translators Make a Dollar a Day Blogging? Metrics [quote]Balasubramaniam L. wrote: When they can
make much more by just translating? I have
tried my hand at making my pot of money by
blogging and have got nowhere with it. In fact, I
OG Pete Jul 8, 2013
Money matters Can Translators Make a Dollar a Day Blogging? Reply to Heinrich [quote]Heinrich Pesch wrote: The logic of
advertising on the net is viewers seeing your
product and (mostly unconsciously) preferring the
product when shopping. Contrary to what most of
OG Pete Jul 8, 2013
Money matters Can Translators Make a Dollar a Day Blogging? Sweat It Is [quote]LilianBNekipelo wrote: It has never
occurred to me somehow, and I thought blogs were
more for self-expression. However, there is a
proverb in one language, I forgot which one, bu
OG Pete Jul 7, 2013
Money matters Can Translators Make a Dollar a Day Blogging? Saving vs. Sweating Saving vs. Sweating [quote]Nikki
Scott-Despaigne wrote: I'm not a brilliant
mathematician, but a dollar a day gives you 365
dollars a year. In Europe, you'll have starved
to de
OG Pete Jul 7, 2013
Money matters Can Translators Make a Dollar a Day Blogging? Thanks for Sharing! [quote]Amel Abdullah wrote: As someone who
writes multiple blogs in my spare time, I would
say that it is possible to make significantly more
than a dollar per day through ad revenue. T
OG Pete Jul 7, 2013
Money matters Can Translators Make a Dollar a Day Blogging? Great Idea! Let's Just Shoot for $100 a Day [quote]Charlotte Farrell wrote: when
translating pays significantly more than that? If
you've not got much work coming in and want to do
something during your quiet periods then maybe,<
OG Pete Jul 7, 2013
Money matters Can Translators Make a Dollar a Day Blogging? Short-term inefficiency [quote]EvaVer wrote: but do you really consider
it an efficient use of your time? [/quote] I'm
delighted to hear that translators can indeed make
a dollar a day blogging. My plan is
OG Pete Jul 7, 2013
Money matters Can Translators Make a Dollar a Day Blogging? After migrating my "professional pitch" to Google+
and pointing my domain name there, I've decided to
make a dollar a day in ad revenue the primary goal
of what remains of my "translation
OG Pete Jul 7, 2013
Internet for translators How I Learned to Stop Spamming and Love the E-Mail Signature Not all that spammy after all [quote]nrichy wrote: On my old computer I
discovered that some of my e-mails got lost in
cyberspace, arrived in other people's junk folder
or arrived very late (at the end of the day)
OG Pete Jul 5, 2013
Internet for translators How I Learned to Stop Spamming and Love the E-Mail Signature A translation agency recently asked for a cost
estimate. I happily obliged and shot them back an
e-mail with a quote. And waited. And
waited. After an hour had gone by, I was a bit
OG Pete Jul 1, 2013
Money matters Bitcoin for Translators - Why Not? Me too [quote]Artem Vakhitov wrote: I went ahead and
listed Bitcoin as accepted on my website and in my
ProZ profile. On the website, I added the
following note: "(by special agreement, small
OG Pete May 29, 2013
Money matters Bitcoin for Translators - Why Not? Great Articles! [quote]John Fossey wrote: Interesting article
Especially the last sentence: "In recent
weeks businesses using bitcoin
OG Pete May 26, 2013
Money matters Bitcoin for Translators - Why Not? starting to get it [quote]John Fossey wrote: [quote]Петро
wrote: [quote]John Fossey wrote: Both the
IRS (US) and CRA (Canada) have set their sights on
tax issues relating to Bitcoins so be care
OG Pete May 8, 2013
Money matters Bitcoin for Translators - Why Not? Great Article [quote]ExScientiaVera wrote: Wired magazine has
published a more precise analysis of Bitcoin, its
strengths, weaknesses and dangers. Bitcoin is
highly unregulated and will swing wildly
OG Pete May 7, 2013
Polish Dostęp do informacji niejawnych oznaczonych klauzulą "poufne" poświadczenie bezpieczeństwa Witam, Czy ogłoszenie było z USA? Jeśli tak,
być może chodziło o tzw. "security clearance"
(w takim razie poufne = "condifential") Tak to
OG Pete May 3, 2013
Money matters Bitcoin for Translators - Why Not? Replies [quote]Artem Vakhitov wrote: I for one plan to
start accepting it as an experiment, I just need
to figure out taxation issues first.
[/quote] @Artem Me too, I'm going to treat it as
OG Pete May 3, 2013
Money matters Bitcoin for Translators - Why Not? Amid all the chatter and complaining on translator
forums about payment methods and
incompatibilities, it's surprising that Bitcoin
hasn't come up for discussion yet. Is this the
OG Pete May 2, 2013
Translation Project / Vendor Management Where Do the Applications Go? Found it!
OG Pete Apr 29, 2013
Translation Project / Vendor Management Where Do the Applications Go? A couple of months ago I turned on the "accept
applications from other translators" feature on
this site. Since then I have been receiving
applications in my e-mail inbox and going through
OG Pete Apr 29, 2013
Fun with images Being a translator.... +100 i love it OG Pete Feb 7, 2013
Getting established Why are translation qualifications practically nonexistent in the US? Great idea I have a great idea: make a list of any and all
translator qualifications in the US and price them
out. If I can find the time maybe I'll do it
myself and blog about it :)
OG Pete Feb 5, 2013
Getting established Why are translation qualifications practically nonexistent in the US? What price is viable? [quote]Daina Jauntirans wrote: The price issue
is definitely a problem, but mostly, I think,
because people don't think they can monetize a
language or translation degree and turn it in
OG Pete Feb 4, 2013
Russian Переход на OpenOffice для переводчика 3) [quote]andress wrote: 3) Смущает
отсутствие в пакете
почтового клиента. Привык
как-то к Аутлуку... Чем
OG Pete Jan 25, 2013
Money matters Looking for the best method to receive payments from Russia Moneybookers will work. ... in Canada at least. It seems to work in most
of the US now too. But I know Russian agencies who
don't have it. How much do FX brokers cost? Say
for $1000. Just curious.
OG Pete Jan 23, 2013

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