Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Nov 6 '22 eng>eng as appropriate Whichever is more suitable or appropriate in context pro closed no
4 Jul 27 '21 eng>eng Incurred by borne by pro closed no
4 Jun 14 '20 eng>eng generally known to the public already in the public domain pro closed ok
4 Jun 14 '20 eng>eng hierarchical authority his/her superior (according to ranking authority) pro closed ok
- Mar 12 '20 eng>eng "conduct of the clinical trial" Vs "conduction of the clinical trial" "conduct of..." is right here pro just_closed no
4 Jan 19 '19 fra>eng Holding Patrimoniale (Pure) Holding Company pro closed ok
4 Jan 5 '19 eng>eng characterised manifested, presented, shown pro closed ok
4 Nov 12 '18 fra>eng réserve faite except exchange rate rises pro closed ok
4 Sep 22 '18 eng>eng not contained in this Agreement, are excluded from this Agreement anything not forming part of Agreement is rejected/ruled out pro closed no
3 Feb 7 '18 eng>eng Drawdown (in this particular context) (all the contractual documents related to) drawdown pro closed no
4 Jul 28 '16 eng>eng jurisdiction right to interpret and apply the law within an area pro closed ok
- Mar 3 '16 fra>eng au minimum des deux périodes at the minimum of (either of) the two periods pro open no
4 Feb 16 '16 eng>eng sentence rephrased below pro closed no
4 Aug 25 '15 eng>eng that is removed refers to "result" pro closed no
4 Aug 19 '15 eng>fra sponsor company/entity sponsoring another pro closed no
4 Jun 9 '15 eng>eng thereof the invoices in both cases pro closed no
3 Jan 28 '15 eng>eng peculiarly inform specifically (point out/draw your attention to) pro closed no
4 Jan 23 '15 fra>eng s’intéresser à toute affaire susceptible de concurrencer par son activité getting involved in any conflict of interest with another business... pro closed ok
- Jun 3 '14 fra>eng autorisation d'exploitation authorisation of exploitation pro closed ok
4 May 15 '14 esl>eng Parágrafo Sole Paragraph pro closed no
- Apr 13 '14 esl>eng sean ciertas en y a la fecha de la Disposición solicitada are factually true on and from the date of the requested Drawdown pro closed no
4 Feb 16 '14 eng>eng release an agreement relinquish/waive an agreement pro closed ok
- Feb 9 '14 eng>eng disclosed rephrase pro closed no
4 Feb 3 '14 eng>eng enforce a waiver try to enforce the thing waived pro closed no
- Aug 15 '13 esl>eng hombre bueno trusted representative/a second pro closed ok
- Aug 9 '13 esl>eng Censor Segundo Interim Dean pro closed no
4 Jul 20 '13 ita>eng Verbale in Conciliazione in Sede Sindacale Minutes of conciliation talks with Trade Unions pro closed ok
4 Jun 24 '13 fra>eng place general (parking) area pro closed no
- Apr 26 '13 fra>eng Attestation de dépôt légal des comptes sociaux Certificate of filing annual Returns pro closed ok
4 Apr 26 '13 fra>eng Contrats d'application Final contracts pro closed ok
4 Apr 5 '13 fra>eng contrat structurant development contract/project pro closed no
- Apr 3 '13 fra>eng libre appréciation freedom to decide/assessment/appraisal pro open no
- Mar 1 '13 ron>eng a incheia un contract signed (off on) a contract pro closed ok
4 Feb 12 '13 ita>eng riepilogo posizioni doganali summary of Customs status pro closed ok
4 Jan 23 '13 esl>eng sobreganancia windfall (profit) pro closed ok
4 Jan 17 '13 eng>eng natural person / legal person natural person/legal person pro closed ok
4 Jan 14 '13 esl>eng no existan those as yet unborn pro closed ok
- Dec 18 '12 eng>eng without proof of special damages (they are) not obliged/required to provide proof fo specia damages pro closed no
- Dec 8 '12 fra>eng en dernier ressort as a last instance/res judicata pro closed ok
- Dec 5 '12 fra>eng intervenant Speaker/Participant pro just_closed no
4 Nov 8 '12 fra>eng A QUI, il donne pouvoir de pour lui et en son nom personnel To Whom, is granted the authority/power to act on his/her behalf and in his/her name pro closed ok
- Aug 15 '12 fra>eng garantie décennale 10-year builder's guarantee/warranty pro closed ok
4 Aug 15 '12 fra>eng garantie des vices cachés guarantee against hidden defects pro closed ok
4 Jul 12 '12 fra>eng exploitation en mandat contracted (catering) provision pro closed no
4 Jul 31 '12 fra>eng plus et moins-valeurs adjustments pro closed ok
- May 16 '12 esl>eng se responsibilizara shall be held responsible/accountable for... pro closed no
- May 9 '12 ita>eng delegato lavori workers' delegate pro just_closed no
4 May 8 '12 ita>eng depositante depositor/person responsible for leaving/depositing pro closed ok
4 May 7 '12 esl>eng se encuentra libre por su procedencia the aforementioned property is free of all encumbrances pro closed ok
3 May 6 '12 fra>eng produira d’effets shall have no effect on pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered