This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow:

December 15, 2001, 2:00 pm
CanadaToronto, OntarioIn personEnglish
Hi everyone,
All those who expressed an interest in attending the powwow: We meet at the North York Central Library, 5120 Yonge Street. It is located right on the Yonge Street subway line, the station is called North York Centre (1 stop before Finch). We were assigned Meeting Room No. 1, it's up the stairs from the main lobby of the library, on the 2nd floor. We will get access to the room at 2:00 PM and it's ours until 6 PM. The meeting will start between 3 and 4 PM, as soon as enough people are present, but if someone could come earlier to help me set up the room, it would be a very nice.

If you can't make it to the Library before 6 PM, the powwow will continue at Dunn's Montreal-style Deli across the street (you can see its windwos on the second floor of an indoor mall called Empress Walk on the east side of Yonge Street). The reservation was made by Laura Molinari.

NOTE: The cross street for both locations is called Park Home Ave., if you get lost - look for the Novotel on Park Home, its back door opens into the same mall as the Library.

Finally, if you have questions or problems on the day of the meeting, my cell phone number is 416-871-0011.

See you all there!

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (45) / Confirmed: 0
Name NoteWill Attend
Yuri Geifman  \"Organizer\" Venue info posted  
Marcus Malabad   Yuri, write/call after 9th, will come!  
CLS Lexi-tech   I will be there. More info, please. Ciao  
Laura Molinari   It's about time! Waiting for details  
Alain R   Looks interesting! send more details SVP  
Xlone (X)   Look forward to attending!  
Simon Charass   Good idea, I’m coming.
  What are these?
Daniela Mühling   I live in Spain, but travel to Toronto frequently to visit my family. Please send details!  
XEduardo Harari (X)   keep me informed  
jamali2000   ...  
Ineke Hardy   Keep me informed  
reginasant   ...  
S. GARMSEN   My name is Susanne Garmsen, will come! More details plse.  
Misha Smid   Please keep me posted.  
Elsa Chu   Can't wait for more details :)  
XFragkou, E   Excellente idιe. J'attend avec impatience les dιtails. A trθs bientτt!
  What are these?
Xmish (X)   lived in Toronto, like to be informed  
Alexandra Scott   I would like to attend.  
Amir Gavriely   I actually could take photos  
margari   Hi,Yuri,I will be there around 4pm.See you.  
John Lejderman   sounds like a Christmas party!  
Premier Focus   Live in Waterloo - please forward Info! Would love to attend!  
Lisa Mercier   I'll try to get there!  
Denise Schuk   I would like to attend. Please send more info. Sounds fun!  
Xvajra (X)   keep me posted!  
Xbeafree (X)   Keep me posted! Love to hang out!  
Xqueenspeed (X)   I am also a freshman at ProZ, and I look forward to it! Keep me posted.  
asit3   will attend, send details please.  
Pasquale Capo   looking forward to this event  
Xiemiliano (X)   excellent idea, I will do my best to attend  
Carole Harrington   Great-please near Union Stn?  
Carolina Ramirez   please send details, will try to attend  
Lorianne Weston   I live in Toronto and would be happy to help with organizing. [email protected]  
XSophie Voillot (X)   Je vis à Montréal, mais tenez-moi au courant.
  What are these?
Nicole Lavigne   Live in Kitchener, just let me know the when & where :)  
Xtrihi   Looking forward to meeting you all!! Count me in and Keep me posted.  
Tore Bjerkek   I will try to be there. Just tell me where and when.  
Sylvie Brideau   Very interested. Any additional info available?  
XMichelle Martoglio (X)  \"Reporter\" \"Host\" I'd love to help out. Please send me more info. I live in Toronto. Please tell me what I need to do if you need an extra host or reporter.!!  
XGordana Muratovic   Interested in more info re powwow  
Xevelyn evans   ...  
Ludwig Chekhovtsov   ...  
Xcorin   This is to confirm my attendance. See you there.  
Saskia   Even though I have been in touch all along, here is my official YES. See you there at 2 pm.  
XMoli?re   I will be there after 3PM with a friend and ssociate  

Postings about this event

Pages in topic:   [1 2 3] >
Powwow: Toronto, Ontario - Canada
Beatrix Read
Beatrix Read  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:52
English to German
+ ...
More info needed Nov 25, 2001

Can you provide more info please.

evelyn evans
evelyn evans
Local time: 13:52
French to English
+ ...
evelyn evans Nov 25, 2001

looking forward to meeting you all

Laura Molinari
Laura Molinari  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:52
French to English
+ ...
See you all on the 15th Nov 27, 2001

Yuri is still working on the library booking, but since many are asking for more info, I can tell you that we are confirmed for Dec. 15 at 6:00 pm at Dunn's Famous Deli (Empress Walk-5095 Yonge st., which is across from Mel Lastman Square -North York Centre Subway stop)

At the very least you can plan for that time and location, further details about meeting at library coming soon.

Werner George Patels, M.A., C.Tran.(ATIO) (X)
Werner George Patels, M.A., C.Tran.(ATIO) (X)
Local time: 13:52
German to English
+ ...
PNS interviews Nov 27, 2001

This question goes to the organizer (ProZ moderator) and/or Henry: how are those of us who have volunteered going to handle the PNS interviews? Will we receive the script? How many tapes do we need (all interviews on one or two tapes, or a separate tape for each candidate)?

Yuri Geifman
Yuri Geifman  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:52
English to Russian
+ ...
Latest news Dec 7, 2001

Hi everyone,
All those who expressed an interest in attending the powwow: We meet at the North York Central Library, 5120 Yonge Street. It is located right on the Yonge Street subway line, the station is called North York Centre (1 stop before Finch). We were assigned Meeting Room No. 1, it's up the stairs from the main lobby of the library, on the 2nd floor. We will get access to the room at 2:00 PM and it's ours until 6 PM. The meeting will start between 3 and 4 PM, as soon as enough peop
... See more
Hi everyone,
All those who expressed an interest in attending the powwow: We meet at the North York Central Library, 5120 Yonge Street. It is located right on the Yonge Street subway line, the station is called North York Centre (1 stop before Finch). We were assigned Meeting Room No. 1, it's up the stairs from the main lobby of the library, on the 2nd floor. We will get access to the room at 2:00 PM and it's ours until 6 PM. The meeting will start between 3 and 4 PM, as soon as enough people are present, but if someone could come earlier to help me set up the room, it would be a very nice.

If you can't make it to the Library before 6 PM, the powwow will continue at Dunn's Montreal-style Deli across the street (you can see its windwos on the second floor of an indoor mall called Empress Walk on the east side of Yonge Street). The reservation was made by Laura Molinari.

NOTE: The cross street for both locations is called Park Home Ave., if you get lost - look for the Novotel on Park Home, its back door opens into the same mall as the Library.

Finally, if you have questions or problems on the day of the meeting, my cell phone number is 416-871-0011.

See you all there!

Werner George Patels, M.A., C.Tran.(ATIO) (X)
Werner George Patels, M.A., C.Tran.(ATIO) (X)
Local time: 13:52
German to English
+ ...
PNS, again Dec 7, 2001

I still have not heard anything about the organization of the PNS interviews.

- script???
- number of tapes???
- when/where? (at the library, at the deli, ...)
- overall procedure

We're kind of running out of time here.

Yuri Geifman
Yuri Geifman  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:52
English to Russian
+ ...
PNS Dec 7, 2001

I sent out a reminder to the chief, hopefully we'll have an answer soon.

Yuri Geifman
Yuri Geifman  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:52
English to Russian
+ ...
PNS again Dec 7, 2001

I sent out a reminder to the chief, hopefully we'll have an answer soon. Staff Staff
Powwow in Toronto - please confirm Dec 11, 2001

If you have already confirmed your attendance at the Toronto powwow, please disregard this notice.

If you have not, please note that you are listed as one of the people interested in Saturday's powwow in Toronto. Please confirm with Yuri whether or not you will be in attendance!

CLS Lexi-tech
CLS Lexi-tech
Local time: 13:52
English to Italian
+ ...
Yuri Dec 11, 2001

this is to confirm my attendance. I am driving from Hull, will try and come earlier to give you a hand.
paola l m
co-mod en>it

Michelle Martoglio (X)
Michelle Martoglio (X)
English to Spanish
+ ...
For Yuri - attendance confirmation Dec 11, 2001

This is to confirm my attendance for Dec. 15 in Toronto.

Michelle M.

Saskia  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:52
Dutch to English
+ ...
Saskia Zeegen Dec 12, 2001

Re-confirming my attendance.

Local time: 10:52
German to English
+ ...
from Susanne Garmsen (GreenTara) Dec 12, 2001

Sorry, can't make it this time.
Next time, though!
Have fun, and Happy Holidays
to all!

Daniela Mühling
Daniela Mühling
Local time: 19:52
German to English
+ ...
Attendance confirmation Dec 12, 2001

I will be there.

Yuri Geifman
Yuri Geifman  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:52
English to Russian
+ ...

Hi everyone,
Those who have confirmed (or cancelled) please diregard this message.
So far, out of the 48 people who expressed an interest, less than a dozen actually confirmed attendance. We are all busy people, but please understand that certain commitments were made and I HAVE to know who's coming for sure ahead of time.
NOTE: there will be no P
... See more
Hi everyone,
Those who have confirmed (or cancelled) please diregard this message.
So far, out of the 48 people who expressed an interest, less than a dozen actually confirmed attendance. We are all busy people, but please understand that certain commitments were made and I HAVE to know who's coming for sure ahead of time.
NOTE: there will be no PNS interviews this time around (unless I hear otherwise from the management), but I will be doing ID verification, so those who wish to be counted, please bring your driver's license and/or passport. Assuming at least 20 people show up, the cost will be $10 per person, plus any food at Dunn's (as of right now, it's a flat rate of $13.50 each)

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