| Topic | Poster Replies (Views) Latest post |
| Translation resources: the free Microsoft Glossaries | 4 (3,135) |
| New dictionary “Английский язык - вчера, сегодня и завтра” | 0 (1,864) |
| Polish-English Medical Dictionary | 4 (7,541) |
| ENG to ROM Slang word in short story | 3 (3,171) |
| Flip spell checker | 3 (2,783) |
| Just thinking about our last days ( 1... 2) | 21 (8,205) |
| English Etymology Dictionary | 4 (2,936) |
| Italian to French Economics online dictionnary | 0 (1,529) |
| The web as a dictionary: Linguee.com (EN/DE) ( 1... 2) | 26 (15,266) |
| translation of prophetic traditions | 0 (1,633) |
| New Dutch-English glossaries added to Wordbook.nl | 1 (1,963) |
| Finding work translating health magazine articles | 2 (2,681) |
| Criminal procedure bilingual resourses - search | 1 (1,946) |
| Looking for a French<>German legal dictionary | 3 (2,292) |
| Manfredo Tafuri: "The Disenchanted Mountian" | 2 (3,592) |
| Help with Handelsgesetzbuch (German Commercial Code) | 5 (22,922) |
| Looking for an EN<>FR Adobe complete glossary | 2 (1,950) |
| How to count word frequencies/occurrences across documents? | 1 (5,022) |
| Searching for terminology | 7 (3,739) |
| Looking for Finnish parser/morphology analyzing tool | 3 (2,922) |
| Cosmetics & Beuty Glossary | 5 (3,728) |
| EN/FR dictionary of banking and finance available online | 2 (3,105) |
| Care to share links on English idioms? | 11 (16,999) |
| Stuck on a desert island with only one digital English dictionary. | 12 (5,036) |
| LEC in English | 1 (2,445) |
| Does anyone use evoterm? | 2 (2,656) |
| EU-acronyms | 6 (3,673) |
| Apostille Services in Florida? | 7 (3,891) |
| Bilingual Dictionaries US-UK | 5 (3,105) |
| Working on my CV - suggestions needed | 4 (3,288) |
| Looking for many volunteer translators for OpenSource software community | 11 (5,473) |
| Does anyone know a good online dictionary for physics terms? | 8 (4,261) |
| Auditing day for OPE and agencies during TM Europe in Warsaw | 0 (1,871) |
| Word to character conversion tool | 5 (5,553) |
| Looking for FR>EN dictionary software | 4 (2,854) |
| English OED spelling resources | 1 (3,885) |
| Should names of official organizations and logotypes be translated? | 8 (11,260) |
| FSA handbook | 4 (2,964) |
| French-english economic dictionary | 2 (2,573) |
| EU English style guide | 6 (4,116) |
| Construction (Highway) Glossary French <> English | 0 (2,177) |
| Memorandum of Association - UCITS Funds | 1 (2,538) |
| Bookkeeping for Translators | 6 (4,116) |
| Cross Web | 1 (3,378) |
| need Xbench and eView for my Windows 7 PC | 1 (2,945) |
| Microsoft Helium | 8 (7,326) |
| New search interface to search word translations from Wikipedia... | 1 (3,024) |
| Vocabulary LGBT English-Spanish | 4 (4,174) |
| French Diplomas & Certificates (samples) | 2 (3,073) |
| Trados 2009: When the right memory in a project is not being used | 3 (2,732) |