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Search results: (84 matches)
KudoZ Kudoz activity ebb I had not considered social media as being a factor, but now that I think about it,
it would make a lot of sense. Thanks for all of
your comments so far.
Daniel Weston Jul 4, 2015
KudoZ Kudoz activity ebb Is it only me or has there been an extreme drop in
the amount of Kudoz questions in the French to
English pair? Where did all of the questions
go? I've noticed this over the past cou
Daniel Weston Jul 4, 2015
Trados support Studio 2011 - termbase message - no results avaiable I have Multiterm SP2 installed... Thanks for the suggestion, but I already have SP2
Daniel Weston Jul 16, 2013
Trados support Studio 2011 - termbase message - no results avaiable Terms are recognized and indicated with a red line
over them in the source column and I know they
exist in the termbase, however, there's a message
in the termbase box on the right saying
Daniel Weston Jul 13, 2013
Trados support Auto-propagate extremely slow Thanks but... I tried that. For now, I had to turn off
auto-propagate completely. That has solved the
speed problem for now. At least until I have more
time to monkey around with it...

Daniel Weston Feb 14, 2013
Trados support Auto-propagate extremely slow Something else is wrong... The problem is that it is going through the whole
file for every number - this is a financial
document with many numbers. It never happened
like this before. There is definitely somethin
Daniel Weston Feb 14, 2013
Trados support Auto-propagate extremely slow I'm using Studio 2011 with a 13,000 word file.
It's a Word 2007 file. For some reason
auto-propagate for the '-' is taking a really long
time. The same thing is happening for numbers. At
Daniel Weston Feb 14, 2013
Trados support Studio 2009 output font for Word 2007 I have a large text and many of the translated
segments have different fonts. Is there a way to
unify all the fonts before creating the output
fule or are are they in the TM that way now?
Daniel Weston Oct 7, 2011
Trados support XML codes in Excel file ini file I'm not sure, but I think it has something to do
with the .ini file, which is like a definition
file for the xml encoding. I had to translate a
huge xml encoded file once and there was a
Daniel Weston Sep 27, 2011
Trados support Can't save the target document in Studio SP3 ctrl-shift-h, then f-8 Make sure you can see all the tags (ctrl+shift+h),
then press F8 to run the verify when the document
is open in the editor. This should produce a list
of errors and warnings that might he
Daniel Weston Sep 27, 2011
Trados support What is the plus-version of SDL Trados 2007 Freelance? Two computers The plus version allows you to install the license
on two computers which is very useful in case your
computer crashes. If your computer crashes and
you have not returned the license, you
Daniel Weston Sep 3, 2011
Trados support Can't send .sdlxliff to MS WORD This might be similar... I had a similar problem with the with xml using
MultiTerm widget. I solved it after reading this
Daniel Weston Sep 3, 2011
Trados support Dates in Excel file not showing in Studio Dates are manual then? Thanks Jerzy, Yes, I know how to format date
fields in Excel - I guess what you are telling me
is that they just won't show up in the Studio
editor. What is strange is that some of the
Daniel Weston Feb 12, 2011
Trados support Dates in Excel file not showing in Studio So how do I get them to show up in the editor window? Thanks Jerzy and Adam, The date fields in the
French source file are formatted as dates. I need
to switch them from DD/MM/YY to MM/DD/YY format
but they do not show up at all in my Tra
Daniel Weston Feb 12, 2011
Trados support Dates in Excel file not showing in Studio Hello - I'm translating a fairly large project in
Trados Studio. The files are mostly Excel files.
There are some dates in DD/MM/YY format in the
source files and they do not show up at
Daniel Weston Feb 12, 2011
Trados support Using Studio on TTX file with a configuration file (.ini) Thanks Jerzy That is an excellent idea - thank you for the
Daniel Weston Feb 1, 2011
Trados support Using Studio on TTX file with a configuration file (.ini) Thanks Thanks Jerzy and Gillian, I was just concerned
becuase they were very specific about using the
ini file that they provided, stating that their
post production would be compromised if I
Daniel Weston Feb 1, 2011
Trados support Using Studio on TTX file with a configuration file (.ini) I received a project today to be translated using
TagEditor in conjunction with a configuration file
(.ini). I'd really like to use Studio instead of
TagEditor. I know it is possible to u
Daniel Weston Feb 1, 2011
Trados support Creating Of Translation Memory Trados 2009 Winalign You can also invoke the Winalign program directly
from the Studio 2009 home menu. Choose "align
translated documents" at the top of the Home

[Edited at 2011-01-21 03:36 GMT]
Daniel Weston Jan 21, 2011 Translator Coop Beta testers needed for new cover page Sure, I can do it I'd be happy to participate. I'm 5 hours behind
East Coast time right now...
Daniel Weston Jan 20, 2011
Trados support real-time preview "side-by-side" in Studio's preview window I'm using Word 2007 Maybe something changed with Word 2010? It seems
to open both files for me, but at least you found
a way around it!
Daniel Weston Jan 18, 2011
Trados support real-time preview "side-by-side" in Studio's preview window Another option Hi Aude - another option: File > View In >
Microsoft Word as Source Then once that is
opened, go back to Studio, File > View In >
Microsoft Word as Target Then just use the vie
Daniel Weston Jan 18, 2011
Trados support 50052 inconsistent data, please reorganize... Same SL and TL in both TMs I wish it were that simple. Thank you for your
suggestions. I'm going to discuss it further with
the seems they are the ones who need
to help me!
Daniel Weston Jan 15, 2011
Trados support 50052 inconsistent data, please reorganize... Can't updgrade either... [quote]Alexey Ivanov wrote: use
Menu>Tools>Upgrade Translation Memories in Studio.
That will upgrade TM to the new (Studio) format
and you can use that translating the file(s) with
Daniel Weston Jan 15, 2011
Trados support 50052 inconsistent data, please reorganize... I've seen the many entries regarding this error,
but none of them address the question that I have.
Here is the issue: I received a TM from a
client for a weekend job. The file I rece
Daniel Weston Jan 15, 2011
Professional development I'm nervous about NYU's translation admissions test and worried about the cost Check with NYU You should check with NYU about the entrance
requriements. They will tell you what they are
(except probably the subject of the essay and
exam). As far as the certificate only being vali
Daniel Weston Jan 6, 2011
Trados support Studio error message: Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection Try this It's been a while since I had this resovled.
These were the instructions I got from SDL at the
time to test the source file. I think fixing the
options in step 1 is the key: 1. Go to<
Daniel Weston Jan 6, 2011
Off topic Are we really that desperate? I ran across the same ad Hi, I saw this ad as well, a couple of days ago.
I had to laugh, but I didn't think it was a
joke! Happy New Year
Daniel Weston Jan 1, 2011
KudoZ Pro/non-Pro Wholeheartedly Agree [quote]Prof. Angie G. wrote: [quote]Sheila
Wilson wrote: I would never expect fellow
translators on ProZ to do it for me. A KudoZ
question should be a last resort, or maybe
Daniel Weston Dec 27, 2010
Off topic Do translators read a lot and faster? Can't read enough! As others have commented, although I love to read
I can't seem to do it when I finally finish my
work - my eyes are too tired! If I have periods
of down time, I sometimes read but it depe
Daniel Weston Dec 24, 2010
Trados support SDL Trados 2009 Translation Memory reflecting only 50 entries My < and > symbols don't function I have a similar problem - I have a very large TM
but I can't page through it using the "next" and
"previous" symbols under the menu bar. Anyone
have any ideas about this? Is there a set
Daniel Weston Dec 24, 2010
Money matters Foreign Check Five weeks and lots of fees I went to my bank today and they told me it would
take five weeks and they would charge fees plus
pass on the French bank's fees to me as well. I
checked with a larger bank here in the is
Daniel Weston Dec 2, 2010
Money matters Foreign Check @Enrique Hi Enrique, the payment method wasn't specified in
the PO. However, we discussed in several emails
that the money would be wired and that we would
each pay our own bank fees for the trans
Daniel Weston Dec 1, 2010
Money matters Foreign Check thanks for your comments Not that I expect anyone to feel sorry for me
living way out here in Hawaii, but even though
we're a State in the US, things can be a bit slow
here when it comes to issues like these. I d
Daniel Weston Dec 1, 2010
Money matters Foreign Check I recently did a translation for a client in
France. They were supposed to wire payment to me
in the US but today I received payment in the form
of a check in euros from the Caisse D'Epar
Daniel Weston Dec 1, 2010
Trados support Problem with Excel rows and columns - Studio SP3 Thank you! Thank you, Paul. Daniel Weston Oct 26, 2010
Trados support Problem with Excel rows and columns - Studio SP3 worksheet on its own I've tried Walter's suggestion of creating a new
file with just worksheet three, but I am still
having problems. Somehow if gives different
source words to translate instead of what is
Daniel Weston Oct 26, 2010
Trados support Problem with Excel rows and columns - Studio SP3 what memory management trouble? I have no trouble with my memory management. If
it were a management issue the other worksheets in
the workbook would be just as affected since they
are no different from the one in quest
Daniel Weston Oct 25, 2010
Trados support Problem with Excel rows and columns - Studio SP3 I'm having a strange problem occur with Studio
SP3. I'm translating an Excel 97-2003 workbook
with four worksheets. Worksheets 1,2 and 4 are
coming out fine. For some reason, worksheet
Daniel Weston Oct 25, 2010
Trados support Studio SP3 "no open termbase" I had no problem I installed both Multiterm SP3 and Studio SP3 and
upgraded my termbases (which did haappen
automatically as soon as i opened them in
Multiterm. The show up in Studio just fine and
Daniel Weston Oct 8, 2010
Trados support Studio SP3 "no open termbase" Upgrade your termbases It appears that we need to upgrade our termbases
in Multiterm first - I'm trying it now and will
let you know if it workds...
Daniel Weston Oct 8, 2010
Trados support multiterm 2007 not finding termbases - in Word 2007 Everything is working now Hi Constance - I use Studio almost exclusively now
- I like it much better than Suite 2007. The
issues with the termabases have cleared up. I use
Windows7 32 bit and Word 2007 works well
Daniel Weston Jul 1, 2010
Trados support Studio says file has tracked changes - but it doesn't Thank you Perilla I tried to save as an RTF and then back again to
DOC but it did not work! Thank you for the
suggestion. I know sometimes that helps other
Daniel Weston Jun 27, 2010
Trados support Studio says file has tracked changes - but it doesn't Thaks Paul... ....that's what I ended up doing - I just need to
remember to turn it off after I'm done!
Daniel Weston Jun 26, 2010
Trados support Studio says file has tracked changes - but it doesn't Thanks Thank you for your link. It confirms what I read
about a bug in the Word 97-2003 program!
Daniel Weston Jun 26, 2010
Trados support Studio says file has tracked changes - but it doesn't Track changes wasn't on! That is the problem, unfortunately! I didn't have
track changes on. Studio and even 2007 Suite both
gave me error messages saying that they couldn't
convert the file because there were t
Daniel Weston Jun 26, 2010
Trados support Studio says file has tracked changes - but it doesn't I am using Studio, Word 2007 and Windows 7 and the
document is in Word 97-2003 format. I have a
short Word document with text in tables. When I
go to create my project, Studio tells me i
Daniel Weston Jun 25, 2010
Trados support Studio error message: Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection No luck Thank you Stanislav for replying and thank you
Fasil for your suggested remedy. However, it
still did not work! I'm not sure how to proceed
from here...

[Edited at 2010-06-11 19:5
Daniel Weston Jun 11, 2010
Trados support Studio error message: Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection No one from SDL is looking at these questions? I was really hoping someone knew the answer to
this question - I thought SDL watches these forums
and might chime in. I guess not? Please, if any
one has any idea what the issue is, I wou
Daniel Weston Jun 11, 2010
Trados support Studio error message: Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection Recently I had to translate a workbook with
several worksheets in it. It was an Excel 97-2003
file. I used Studio and after translating nearly
4000 words, when I went to save the file ba
Daniel Weston Jun 10, 2010

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