The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Real Estate Translation Glossary

German term English translation
Geldumsatz sales volume
Entered by: Diana Zehetner
Personal- oder Aupair-Wohnungen staff or au pair accommodation/apartments/houses
Werkpreis turnkey price
wird zum jeweils gültigen Satz zusätzlich erhoben. (VAT) will be applied at the current rate
"Fachanwalt für Miet- und Wohnungseigentumsrecht" specialist in rental and residential property law
(an ...Pfandstelle) haftend ranking in priority (of registered charges or liens)
Entered by: Hermien Desaivre
(CH) Schüssigkeit How paid; method of payment
(Grund)Last encumbrance
Entered by: Timothy Wood
(Miet)ansatzverzichte reductions (in rent) - usually as inducements
(Mieter)Ausbau tenant's fitting out
*Grenzbaurecht* boundary building right
1. OG/1. UG first floor / first basement floor (level)
Entered by: Paula Price
2.85 Ar 285 square meters
200m BGF o.i. BGF (GEA) above ground level
5 Tage feste Option 5-days option for payment
A2-Blatt, C-Blatt Land register page A2 (easements and restrictions), page C (mortgages and charges)
Abgabe proper clearing of the laundry room
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
Abgeschlossenheitsbescheinigungen certificates of self-containment (with further explanation)
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Abgeschlossenheitsvereinbarung Self-Contained Unit Agreement
abgewickelt /in Abwicklung [Hausverkauf] closed / sale pending [real estate]
Abgleich adjustment
Abgrenzungsunschärfen geglättet adjusted due to existing distortions
Entered by: Diana Zehetner
Ablösung fee
Entered by: Teresa Reinhardt
Ablösung redemption
Entered by: Edith Kelly
abrechnungsmäßig for billing/charging purposes
Abrechnungsschlüssel Allocation code
Abrechnungswert The appraiser will receive account settlements for each individual property
Abrufe aus der Bankgarantie call(s)/recourse on the bank guarantee
Entered by: Mary Burdman
Abschlagsschätzwerten estimated advance payment
Entered by: Dr. Andrew Hudson
abschließendes Recht (final and) conclusive right
Entered by: Douglas Arnott
Abschreibungen tax write-offs; tax write offs
Abstand can be bought/purchased/acquired
Abstimmungseinheit voting unit
Entered by: Mary Burdman
abtreten assign
Abweichungsrecht right to deviate
admassierte Grundstücke accumulated [amassed] real properties
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Alleinvermittlungsauftrag exclusive agent agreement
als Eigentumsform form/type of ownership
als rentierlich berücksichtigt factored in as notionally yield-producing
Als zu verteilende Kostenbasis gilt der gesamte von der Association Momentanée übernommene Verwaltungsaufwand. Distributive cost basis is deemed to be the entire administrative outlay as accepted by the Association Momentanée.
Entered by: Steffen Walter
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