Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Nov 16 '10 eng>esl recipient is being presented El que recibe el premio este año es el Dr. John…. pro closed ok
- Nov 4 '10 esl>eng el presupuesto tiene que ajustarse a límite the budget must be as restricted as possible pro closed ok
4 Nov 4 '10 eng>eng the tough [see below] pro closed no
4 Nov 1 '10 esl>eng Su vida era una cosa más que concreta His life transcended any possible written reflection. pro closed no
- Oct 18 '10 esl>eng Enfoque without any concrete goal // Focus pro closed no
- Oct 11 '10 eng>esl Never take anybody’s word for it ¡Es preciso que usted compruebe que se lo ha hecho! pro closed ok
- Oct 2 '10 esl>eng NUESTRO PERSONAJE The subject of this book // The subject of the present study pro closed ok
- Aug 6 '10 eng>esl white paper monografía pro closed ok
4 Jul 27 '10 esl>eng que car cajadas tome mejor cafe i siga rrillo What a joke! I think you could spend your time better drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette. pro closed no
- Jul 21 '10 esl>eng observando el dentado de la especie valorada upon examination of the perforation of the stamp which is being appraised... pro closed ok
4 Jul 21 '10 esl>eng Es todo cuando puedo decir en honor de la verdad This is my considered, complete and truthful testimony... pro closed no
- Jun 9 '10 eng>eng many fewer concerns far fewer concerns pro closed no
- Jun 9 '10 esl>eng A la hora de los agradecimientos, corro el riesgo de quedarme corto (see below) pro closed ok
4 Apr 19 '10 esl>eng Excelentísimos y muy honorables Srs Dear Sirs // Dear Ladies and Gentlemen pro closed no
- Apr 19 '10 esl>eng sorprendente ligereza expressed dismay about the blatantly unnecessary use of cell phones pro closed ok
- Apr 15 '10 esl>eng de la cual el país depende en un 80%. which supplies 80% of the nation's energy needs. pro closed ok
- Apr 15 '10 esl>eng consideren que violen that the US believes to be in violation of the TNP. pro closed ok
- Apr 14 '10 eng>esl Comfort of area... Flexibilidad en cuanto al precio pro closed ok
4 Mar 20 '10 esl>eng te atreves Do you have what it takes to show good manners? pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '10 esl>eng Esperando haber atendido su solicitud y esperando poder servirla en el futuro, I hope I've properly responded to your request and I look forward to serving you in the future. pro closed no
- Feb 1 '10 esl>eng Convivencia intercultural Living in a multicultural world pro closed ok
- Jan 6 '10 esl>eng Inglaterra se queda con nuestra mejor amiga Our loss is England's gain. // We have lost a friend, while England has gained a bride. pro closed no
- Dec 23 '09 eng>eng in such same [not proper English] pro closed ok
4 Dec 16 '09 esl>eng los más pequeños that promotes helathy choices and fosters social values among young children. pro closed ok
- Dec 13 '09 esl>eng vivirla de verdad Which film would you like to be a part of as if it were real life? pro closed ok
4 Nov 19 '09 eng>eng out of office vs out of the office out of the office pro closed ok
- Oct 21 '09 esl>eng relacionarse Be in line with what we we are about as a company. pro closed ok
4 Oct 14 '09 eng>esl over ubicados dentro de pro closed ok
4 Oct 11 '09 esl>eng Tiempo que se traduce en... We have used this time to learn, grow and gain valuable experience [as a company]. pro closed no
4 Oct 11 '09 esl>eng En XX hemos forjado una solidez corporativa XX has built a solid [corporate] reputation pro closed no
4 Oct 6 '09 eng>esl part of Se trata de parte de los 25 millones de dolares disponibles para pro closed ok
4 Oct 2 '09 esl>eng desfile de carrozas temáticas a parade with themed floats pro closed ok
- Sep 28 '09 eng>esl Duda con frase porque pro closed ok
4 Sep 27 '09 esl>eng dejar la elaboración del presupuesto.... postpone the drafting of the annual budget until a viability study of the project can be carrid out pro closed no
- Sep 27 '09 esl>eng organización con proyección internacional the needs of an organization that is international in scope. pro closed no
4 Sep 18 '09 esl>eng Proyecto Integración Social - Lingüística Language Instruction Project pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '09 eng>esl game face intentaba de dar buena cara al mal tiempo pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '09 eng>esl roll (in this context) ha sido una fuerza / ha sido formidable / ha ido ganando impetu pro closed ok
4 Sep 4 '09 por>eng um referencial permanente cornerstone pro closed no
4 Sep 3 '09 esl>eng vertientes artísticas artistic expressions pro closed ok
- Sep 1 '09 eng>esl in the limit Al mínimo..... pro closed ok
- Aug 31 '09 esl>eng Renovarse a “mitad de camino” de la vida Charting a new course at this point in your life seems to be a good move. pro closed ok
4 Aug 31 '09 esl>eng dar la hora instead of saying what's what / instead of saying how things are going to be pro closed no
- Aug 30 '09 eng>esl network television Ahora bien, debemos tener claro que esta no es una de las redes principales..... pro closed no
4 Aug 28 '09 eng>esl trappings ventajas pro closed ok
- Aug 26 '09 eng>esl Bid team el equipo de licitación pro closed ok
4 Aug 22 '09 esl>eng .. APARECE QUE POR LOS MISMOS HECHOS NO CONSTA INCOADO PROCEDIMIENTO ALGUNO. appears that no proceeding has heretofore been initiated regarding this matter pro closed no
- Aug 20 '09 esl>eng de manera de no dejar dudas respecto del juicio expresado. as to leave no room for doubt as to the intent of the decision that has been made. pro open no
4 Aug 20 '09 esl>eng Quiero suponer que tal proceder es resultado de un error I most certainly hope that what I've received has been the result of some mistake. pro closed no
4 Aug 20 '09 esl>eng Quisiera recibir confirmación de que el mail transcripto mas abajo corresponde Please confirm that the e-mail you've sent me [below] is in reference to the [job] application... pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered